New to Me

Perhaps you all think that I’ve been Slacky-McSlackster because it has been the longest stretch ever that I’ve gone without a post.  Au contraire!  I am systematically going through all of those links I put together to try to get on everyone’s email lists and RSS feeds to serve you better!  And it all takes … [Read more…]

Ice, ice, baby

We have groovy modern windows in our otherwise decrepit old house, and one of the perks is that I can open them from the top.  It’s perfect for harvesting icicles.  We lay out a towel and I give each girl the longest icicle I can reach, then go downstairs.  When they yell for another one … [Read more…]

This Weekend

Wow, did this week go by fast for everybody?  We had aspirations to try to go skiing at Maple Ski Ridge in preparation for a ski trip later this month, but something about that first ski outing of the season always seems so daunting.  Although, turns out that Plaine and Son is having a tent … [Read more…]


Yeah, it’s freakishly cold and snowing again.  Let’s try to embrace it, shall we?  I was looking at things to do for this weekend (it’s coming soon, I promise!) and I noticed a few snowshoe-oriented events, so I said, hey, let’s make a post of it, shall we? On Saturday, January 9, at 10 am … [Read more…]

Mixed-Age Activities for the Littlest Kids

On a Saturday I took J to dance with Ginny Martin. The lessons are wonderful—Ginny is a warm and positive presence, the children are uninhibited and joyful, and, unlike many dance classes, there’s no prescribed dress code except bare feet. I sat with a friend who had two daughters—one attending class, and her sister, who … [Read more…]

Babysitter, Anyone?

Usually I give you the weekend plans closer to the actual weekend, but there’s a big-deal event that’s really not for the family, anyway.  It’s the Albany Chefs’ Food and Wine Festival, and there are several events, but the cheapest you’ll manage is $50/person.   From what I hear, there are all sorts of delicious items … [Read more…]


We took a look at our many options, thought about hitting Schuyler Mansion’s Twelfth Night Celebration (anyone go?  how was it?), and then we decided that we just didn’t have the energy to do much of anything. We thought that Fantastic Mr. Fox had passed us by–especially tragic since my sweet husband had run out … [Read more…]

New Year’s Eve

It ain’t my favorite holiday.  I’ve had a dull time, and a decent time, and a couple of horrifyingly bad times.  I’ve gone out dancing with the girls, where we suffered from the high expectations of New Year’s Eve:  each venue seemed either not good enough or too expensive, so we’d wander to the next … [Read more…]