
I spent quite a bit of time today trying to figure out how to do various technical things, and ummmm. . . . no time writing.  But here’s a little bit of information to tide you over until the weekend post.  First, I’ve been trying to do more Friday evening events in the week ahead … [Read more…]

You Know, Just Like, 30 or 40 Things for You to Choose From This Weekend

Hey!  I’m having a splendid day!  Check out this weather, you guys!  Awesome! I woke up and noticed that my five-year-old had once again made her own bed and tidied up her room.  Then I walked downstairs to find the two girls cuddling and giggling together on the couch.  And then I laughed out loud … [Read more…]

Back to the Routine!

Would you believe that I was about two-thirds through this post when it suddenly disappeared?  Oh, man, I was so bitter.  Especially since, as I write this thing up, I always delete my notes of whatever I’ve been hearing about.  So maybe there are a couple of things that were completely lost.  SO irritating. We … [Read more…]

Lake George Opera!

Okay, I’m just twisting down a shame spiral right now because not only did I neglect to mention yet another theater experience (I added items to the last post, in case you missed it), but I also found a typo in an old post.  Am I losing my touch?  Did I ever have a touch?  … [Read more…]

Theater Roundup!–updated

I’d mentioned To Kill a Mockingbird once before, I thought, but I should have included it again here.  That, coupled with the information on The Miracle Worker in today’s Gazette, made me feel a little silly about this post.   I wasn’t even aware of the Curtain Call Theatre.   And Bethlehem High School, too!  So … [Read more…]

Bring on Some Theater

Okay, I am unbelievably bummed because Hairspray is at The Palace Theatre for one night only on January 27th at 7:30 pm.  My whole family loves the Hairspray movie (the more recent, remake one).  We’ve got the soundtrack memorized.  Yes, it’s not entirely appropriate for my kids–like when we all sing with Tracy, “won’t go … [Read more…]

Not Super-Magical

Just came home from Steamer 10.  Our original plan had been to take Grandma & Grandpa to Snow Queen later this week, but then they changed their plane tickets and that wouldn’t work.  I let the girls choose something else, since everyone still wanted to do some theater.  Let me just say, magic isn’t my … [Read more…]


Just quickly– We’re going to see Magic at Steamer 10 — they’re already in the car!  Apparently many of these vacation shows are still available. Jennifer Silverman, one of the editors of My Baby Rides the Short Bus: The Unabashedly Human Experience of Raising Kids with Disabilities, will be signing books at 2 pm at … [Read more…]