Goat Cheese & Pear Salad

The other day I was eating one of my favorite salads ever, and I realized that I’ve never shared the recipe with you. We call it Jane’s Goat Cheese and Pear Salad, because years and years ago my sister arrived an hour after we expected her for dinner at our squalid New York City apartment … [Read more…]

Saturday Fun

We had an excellent Saturday. We started with an early-morning soccer game, with M playing and Cute W coaching. The kids played well and won, so there record is now 2-0. Whoop, whoop. Later in the morning we headed out to pick apples. We decided to orchard-hop, heading to Lindsey’s for ladder-climbing fun and not … [Read more…]

My Trader Joe’s Report

Earlier this week I paid my first-ever visit to Trader Joe’s. I’d heard quite a bit of gushing over Trader Joe’s, and I’d also heard that they’ve got plenty of yummy mostly-already-prepared products. That was excellent for this week, since Cute W was traveling. First, I got lost, because my GPS told me that it … [Read more…]

Produce for Kids/Price Chopper Giveaway!

I’ve said before that I’m always trying to get kids to eat healthfully, and I’ve even shared my tips on how to get kids to eat vegetables. You’ve also heard me say that I’m cheap. So when someone from Produce for Kids® asked if we might want to do a giveway, I said, “Heck, yeah!” … [Read more…]

The Ice Cream Man

I mentioned that yesterday was filled with driving and soccer. During our final game, I overheard some of the parents talking about our proximity to The Ice Cream Man, located in Greenwich, and my ears perked up. I knew that The Profussor and friends had recently toured some of the best-known area spots for homemade … [Read more…]

New-Fangled, Old-Fashioned Holidays

Tomorrow is special, with two holidays manufactured to bring back the good ol’ days. First, it’s Take Our Children to the Park. . . And Leave Them There Day, brought to you by Lenore Skenazy of Free Range Kids. If you’d like to participate, I know where you can find a great list of playgrounds. … [Read more…]

Schenectady Food Swap

Tonight was the first Schenectady Food Swap. You might remember that I was excited to hear that  my church in is the newest location for food swaps with the From Scratch Club.  When I mentioned it the other day, I said that I was “both intrigued and intimidated.” Luckily, they planned for people like me … [Read more…]

Birthday Party Fun

J’s attended 2 of her 3 birthday parties of the weekend, and I hung around Friday’s party long enough that I couldn’t resist taking a couple of pictures to share. First, rainbow fruit skewers. . . cute, right? Lucky for me, some of the kids were suspicious of the mangoes, which were recruited to represent … [Read more…]