Disney on Ice Giveaway

So, guess what? Disney On Ice is coming to the Times Union Center from December 7th to 11th with their show  Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey.

In Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey, the delightful mouse couple lead you on a journey through four Disney stories:  The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Peter Pan and Lilo & Stitch.  If you want to get an idea of what the show’s like, click on the link in this paragraph for a little video preview.

I’ve got two family 4-packs of tickets to give away! Both are for the 7 pm performance: one for Thursday, December 8th and one for the Friday, December 9th.

You can buy tickets at Ticketmaster.com, call  1-800-745-3000 or visit the Times Union Box Office.  Ticket prices are $12, $22, $40 for VIP, and $55 for Rinkside.

If you want to save some money (um, duh), more $12 tickets are available for opening night, and I’ve got a coupon code for the shows on Thursday, December 8 at 10:30 am and 7 pm and Saturday, December 10 at 7 pm. The code is MOM2011 to save $4 on the $22 or $12 tickets to these performances.

And if you want to enter to win a family 4-pack, here’s how:

1) Comment on this blog post. In order to count as an entry, you must include: a valid email address (it will auto-fill if you’ve commented before & it’s for my eyes only, don’t worry); whether you’d like to enter to win Thursday, Friday, or either night; and the answer to the question: if you could spend a morning ice skating with one of the characters from these four Disney stories, which character would you choose and why?

2) For those of you who are super-ambitious, if you have successfully followed the instructions above, you may enter the drawing a second time by going to the Capital District Fun Facebook page, “liking” it if you haven’t already, and sharing any link on the page (just click “Share” under the link), along with a comment that says something nice about the blog. Or me. Or both, even.

Some additional rules:

  • You may enter between now and Thursday, December 1st at 11:59 pm. The winners will be announced on Friday, December 2nd.
  • Quality of comments will not increase your chances of winning. I’m just counting y’all up and doing the randomizer However, other readers and I will appreciate high-quality comments!
  • You can only win one family 4-pack. I’ll do a drawing for Friday night first (including only Friday night/either entrants) and then for Thursday night (including only not-yet-winning Thursday night/either entrants).

Hooray for free stuff!

Update: Okay, you people are sort of killing me. No, no, it’s okay, but please:

  • Be sure that you include both the answer to the question and the night(s) that work for you in your comment, or you won’t be in the drawing. I’m sorry, but them’s the rules. If you look again and realize that you forgot, then yes, you may comment again and add what you forgot.  And of course your email still needs to be valid, too, but I won’t notice if it’s wrong until I pick you and then email you to tell you that you’re the winner and it bounces back and then you’re sad and someone else is happy.
  • If you’re going for that second entry, you’ve got to “Share” a link, not just “Like” it. When you like something, there’s a teensy little note about it that only your stalkers who pay slightly too much attention to your every move will notice. When you share something, you click “Share” and then there’s the opportunity to add your own comment (it says “Say Something” with a little box) and that’s where you say something nice in order for this to count as your second entry. Sharing makes a link that is more noticeable in your friends’ newsfeeds than the “Like,” which is why I asked you to share in the first place. Also because I was blatantly fishing for compliments. But whatever.

Honestly, at this point I’m like, jeez, this is why I never make irritating and complicated rules. I thought that these were relatively easy. But if I’m driving you crazy, can someone please appreciate the fact that I’m not asking you to follow links to the Disney on Ice website and answer a trivia question that can only be answered by watching the complete video? Because people do that stuff, you know. No, seriously: I’ve seen it. I didn’t ask you to Tweet, did I? You’re welcome.

And now I’m done with the updates, so you’re on your own. Good luck!


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  1. Amanda Reed

    If I could spend the morning with any characters it would have to be Tinkerbell (for my daughter, who LOVES her), and Peter Pan for my son (he really thinks that if he tries hard enough he is going to be able to fly:-) This would mean so much to them to be able to go. We would be able to do the Thurs night showing. Thanks!!

  2. Lisa

    I would love to spend some time ice skating with my son and PUMBA from The Lion King. We laugh out loud at PUMBA—he is too hilarious. 🙂

  3. Lisa

    and…I already didn’t follow the rules. We’d love to be entered for the Thursday evening tickets! Thanks for doing this giveaway!

  4. Katie – we’d go to either night!

    I think we’d ice skate with Tinkerbell. She’s pretty high on Molly’s list of favorite Disney characters and I’d like to think she’d help my uncoordinated self with her Pixie dust!

  5. Sata

    My daughter absolutely LOVES Mickey, so we would choose him. I can only imagine how excited she would be to go see him if we were chosen! We could go either night.

  6. Carissa Zuniga

    If I could skate with any of the characters, I would want to skate with Tinkerbell. Hopefully with enough fairy dust, she could keep me from falling on my behind.

  7. Meghan

    If there was a way to skate with a giant fish named nemo nate would point and say “hiiiiii fiiiisssssshhyyyyyy!” as he loves fish!

    Thursday! Fingers crossed!

  8. Malinda

    I’d love to go either night! A morning skating with Tinker Bell would be great. My daughter loves her and I’ve always imagined skating would be as close to flying I could ever get.

  9. Sarah

    We would love tickets for either night. Thanks to Jake and the Neverland pirates, my kids are obsessed with Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and Tinkerbell, so that is the crew we would be skating with.

  10. Wendy

    I’d like to skate with Peter Pan…my name is Wendy. They go together. My daughter loves tinkerbell though. We’d love to attend the Thursday night show. Thanks!

  11. Colleen

    My little girl just informed me we HAVE to go to this because ALL of her friends are going 🙂 And I want to bring her because she is just starting to grow out of her princess stage after 4 straight years of loving nothing but Ariel and I want to have some last times of princess fun before we let this phase go. So of course we’d choose Ariel to skate with! And we could go to the show either night. Thanks for the contest!

  12. NanaDeb

    My 3 year old princess is one the kindest just like Belle, Snow White, Cinderella (her favs). Also a princess filled with adventure, love & courage like Simba & Nala (her current favs!) SO what an honor it would be to take her to this! Wishes do come true! :))

  13. Bryony

    I would love for my daughter and I to skate with Ariel if we could….she is one of my favorites;). We could go either night. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog!

  14. I believe my boys would enjoy Peter Pan because they get in touch with their inner Lost Boy. I could use some of Tink’s flying dust though to help buffer my falls ;0)

  15. Fazana

    Thanks for this opportunity! I’d like to spend the morning skating with Mickey since my son is a HUGE fan. Plus,the mouse is a really good ice skater from what I’ve seen in years past. I’d like to be entered into the drawing for Friday tickets please. My daughter loves Disney on Ice and I’m psyched to take my son for the first time!!

  16. Amy

    Either night would work for us… My son would think Stitch is cool.. I could never get him to dance with me and a mermaid or a princess lol

  17. Either night would work for us… My son would think Stitch is cool.. I could never get him to dance with me and a mermaid or a princess lol

  18. Kim

    My 2 year old is just learning to ice skate and asks me to take her everyday! My back is killing me, lol, and therefore I would love any Disney character to take her and give me a break! That being said, she is a true princess so she would probably love it to be Ariel. Thursday works best for us and we really really really want to go!!!

  19. Betty

    We would love to go either night 🙂 and we would love to skate with Mickey! That’s my son’s favorite Disney character!

  20. Melissa

    Thank you for the giveaway! Either night would be awesome. I think we would like to skate with Mickey! He’s our favorite. 🙂

  21. Chad

    Peter Pan, because my 4 year old and I have been playing Peter Pan and Tinker Bell before bedtime. Friday would work best.

  22. Kristen Champion-Terrell

    You’re funny, Katie! I would definitely choose to skate with Ariel — maybe we could explore some shipwrecks. My fam would love to go either night. Thanks for this opportunity!

  23. Katie

    I would skate with Tinkerbell because as my daughter would say she’s so sparkly and awesome! We could go to the show either night.

  24. Amy Grogan

    I would love a chance to skate with Cinderella, My step-daughter is a big Cinderella fan, or thinks she’s Cinderella, LOL, and I would love for her and I to skate with Cinderella. I would love either nights tickets, but I think that the Friday night show would be better. Thanks.

  25. Jennifer

    We’d love to skate with the Simba & Nala posse! My 4 year old has skated only once and I hear she’s a natural — this show will inspire her for upcoming winter fun! Thursday night is the show we can make.

  26. Prajakta gore

    My daughter absolutely LOVES Mickey, so we would choose him. We’d love to attend the the show on either night.

  27. Jen

    I would choose to skate with Peter Pan since he is one of my childhood favorites. I’d love to win the Friday night tickets.

  28. Lisa

    We’d love tickets for Thursday night! 🙂
    If we could skate with any character, we’d choose Pumba from the Lion King because he always makes us laugh! 🙂

  29. Debi

    I would be open to going either night. If I could ice skate with any Disney character, it would be Ariel because I have always loved The Little Mermaid. When I was a little girl, I would always pretend to be Ariel and sing all of the songs! Now that I am a Mom, I am trying to instill my love for that movie into my toddler!

  30. Heidi

    I would pick Peter Pan for my little boy who loves all boy characters who are STRONG and can fly and I would pick Tinkerbell for my daughter so she would having a companion to fly with too! We would love to go either day but Friday would be super special because it is my birthday!
    Thanks for this contest!

  31. Marysa N.

    I think our favorite character is Ariel, and both my girls love Little Mermaid 🙂
    Thursday would be great! My daughter has been begging me to go quite relentlessly 🙂

  32. Mary Daikos

    I would love to win the tickets on Friday night … and I’m going to say my daughter would want to go ice skating with Ariel because she just loooooooooooooves her. 🙂

  33. carol metzler

    I would pick Tinkerbell to skate with as my granddaughter absolutely Loves her!Either nite would be appreciated!

  34. Samantha

    I would love to skate some morning with Ariel – and find out how a mermaid would skate! We could go on Friday night. Thanks for the opportunity! 🙂

  35. Tracie

    I would like to skate with Sebastian, because he’s pretty funny. I’m available for either night, thanks!

  36. Alicia

    My boys and I would choose Simba because The Lion King is our favorite. Friday would be better. Thanks for the opportunity!

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