Snow Ice Cream

Get a bowl full of clean snow.  Add milk (or cream or half-n-half) until it’s wet enough, sugar until it’s sweet enough, and vanilla.  I always have the economy-sized imitation vanilla for wintertime.  We don’t do exact measurements–it’s a lot of dumping and stirring, really.   So it’s a good kid activity.  Usually by the time … [Read more…]

Snow & Sledding

This morning we got some new snow that’s perfect for snowballs & snowmen! Or snowgirls!  Note the eyelashes. So I had to run out of the house this morning, and I felt pretty guilty when someone called my house because I had not yet posted where to go sledding. (Jeez!  Who would do that?  I … [Read more…]

Oui, j’aime crêpes!

Voici, c’est la raison que j’aime travailler sur ce blog.  Et aussi, la raison que j’aime le Google translate.  Okay, I’m getting silly now, but between my lapsed college French and Google translate, I can sound convincing as. . . someone who used to vaguely know some French.   As I was saying, this is why … [Read more…]

Morning Paper

I have the great good fortune of serenity time courtesy of my neighbors who took my two children over to play right after church.  I love neighbors.  I am blessed with excellent neighbors. So, I sat down to lunch and the Gazette.   First, if you’ve ever wondered about the photo on the top of this … [Read more…]

Beautiful Day!

We had a great time at Central Park today, and it was a pretty good turnout.  When we showed up, there were about 50 people there, and the kids had already blown through the 50 cups of cocoa (Daddy made some at home later).  It was getting a little bit melty on top, so it … [Read more…]

More This Weekend

OK, I should have known not to post right before going to the downtown Schenectady library.  I always find more good stuff on the bulletin boards there. So, there was an activity that screamed out, “Katie!!!”  Someone’s organizing a “skate in” at Central Park in Schenectady from 1-3 pm on Saturday, Jan. 16th. This is … [Read more…]

Happy Anniversary To Me!

Can you believe that I’ve been blogging a whole entire month? I was thinking that it had been a while, so I went and checked my very first post and it was from December 14th!  It’s funny, because when I did it, I thought that I was going to share with a few friends who … [Read more…]

Giving Globally, Regionally, & Locally

I apologize for the re-post. . . somehow this post completely disappeared from my blog.  I’m still baffled.  But I wanted to keep this available. The news from Haiti is so horrible.  I thought that this site, which talks a little about how you can give most effectively when there’s a disaster far away, was … [Read more…]

Bring on Some Theater

Okay, I am unbelievably bummed because Hairspray is at The Palace Theatre for one night only on January 27th at 7:30 pm.  My whole family loves the Hairspray movie (the more recent, remake one).  We’ve got the soundtrack memorized.  Yes, it’s not entirely appropriate for my kids–like when we all sing with Tracy, “won’t go … [Read more…]

More News

Over my oatmeal this morning, I read in the Gazette that Hot Harry’s on Union Street in Schenectady will be opening for lunch today.  Don’t bother to click on the Gazette link unless you’re already a subscriber: they are one of those websites that make you pay for the privilege of reading them (bitter?  yes, … [Read more…]