Throwback Photos – Part 1

I mentioned that my Mom sent me home from my last visit with old photos, and one of my tasks lately has been to get them sorted and organized. This is a huge project that is getting folded into sorting through more recent photos that I already had stored away and have been meaning to … [Read more…]

Embroidered Sneakers

I’m still doing embroidery, and I decided, after the tragic loss of my baseball cap, that my next project would be to embroider a pair of sneakers. You may have seen all sorts of embroidered Converse on Etsy and elsewhere, and they are adorable. However, I wasn’t sure if mine would end up adorable, and … [Read more…]

Eclipse 2024

Hey! I don’t know what your level of enthusiasm was for the recent solar eclipse, but it’s been a hot topic among my work colleagues for literally years. To catch yourself up on why, read last week’s KidsOutAndAbout publisher’s note, which I hijacked from Deb. We had made tentative eclipse Zone of Totality plans and … [Read more…]

Yes, And… More Vegetables

Cute W was out of town for a few days, and while he was, I took the opportunity to try a couple of new recipes. There’s really no logical reason why I should save “alone time” for trying new recipes, except that it is always disappointing when you try a new recipe and it turns … [Read more…]

Straddling Spring & Winter

I started walking in the mornings, which felt delightful, and then it got cold again and the contrast between my warm, snuggly bed and damp chilly wind outside was simply more than I could bear. The trouble with this time of year is that at first you’re so winter-acclimated that a sunny 30-degree day feels … [Read more…]

Social Media

I feel like social media has been a bit of a struggle lately. I am old enough to remember back when we had three to five TV channels, and most people watched the most popular shows or big broadcasts like the Super Bowl and the Olympics. And then things fractured more and more, first into … [Read more…]

Empty Nest, Again

Last weekend M flew out of Albany for her spring semester abroad in Santiago Chile. Actually, we had a bit of a scare when she first checked in at the airport. The service rep at the desk said, “I can’t issue your ticket.” She then explained that since it would be for more than 3 … [Read more…]

Eating Around Schenectady

After enjoying it for our first time last year, we hit the 2024 Schenectady Soup Stroll. This time we went with friends, which is absolutely a better option, because there is plenty of waiting in line, but that’s not a problem if you’re catching up and chatting. For the second year in a row, Simone’s … [Read more…]

Around the House

One of my Christmas gifts from Cute W was this extremely adorable miniature kit that makes a garden house designed to perch on your bookshelf and look adorable. It even lights up! I took this picture mid-assembly, because it was a lot of different little pieces. But it was absolutely very fun and relatively easy … [Read more…]

Re-Entry Followed By Another Escape

With snow looming, I have to share this very sad picture that I took after we returned from Mexico. I’d washed everyone’s swim suits and hung them out on the line to dry. Even though our trip to Mexico was a delight, we still managed to be fairly exhausted by the end of it. We’d … [Read more…]