
On Saturday, Cute W and I headed to Central Park for the second-ever NipperFest Music and Arts Festival. Mark your calendars for next year, people, because I think this festival is going to just keep getting better and better every year. What’s so fantastic, for us, is that it’s in Schenectady’s Central Park, a convenient … [Read more…]

Summer Catch-Up

I know, y’all, it’s been a while! I’ve been fairly busy lately. J arrived home, so there was quite a bit of unpacking and sorting and catching up and, of course, cooking tasty food. We spent a week with my extended family at Virginia Beach. I love-love-love an ocean beach vacation! This was our first … [Read more…]


Earlier last week, I was working with a list of requested recipes: our kale salad, black bean and corn dip, and a chocolate chia breakfast cake. I was stocking up the fridge with plenty of fresh fruit. And don’t forget the frozen fruit, along with Trader Joe’s treats. Some of my daughters’ most ardent expressions … [Read more…]

Front Patio Plantings Update

Last summer, after Cute W made our fabulous new front patio, I added a whole bunch of new native plantings, which I finally caught you all up on later that fall in this post. Now that things have come up in the spring, I thought I’d give you a bit of a before-and-after update. I … [Read more…]

Early Morning

I am trying to train myself to be a Morning Person. Okay, I will probably never be a true morning person, but I’m attempting to be less of an Absolutely-Not-A-Morning-Person. To that end, I’ve been going outside early. Typically, I will wake up and not fully start my day until after I’ve puttered on my … [Read more…]

30 Years

Last week, Cute W and I went to our 30th reunion at Grinnell College. For the 20 years between our 5th reunion and our 25th reunion, we barely visited the place. I think at some point we took a quick stop on campus so that the girls could see the place, and we climbed a … [Read more…]

More Embroidery!

I am still doing embroidery, and after liking my floral t-shirt, I decided to do another one. This time, I took a t-shirt that I’d actually planned to discard (I have been doing For Days Take Back bags for clothing that isn’t nice enough to donate) because it has a bunch of holes. I actually … [Read more…]


One of our things about our trip to Italy was our frequent cocktail breaks. These particular cocktails were especially delicious, and they were served on a fantastic balcony overlooking the main square, or Campo, in Siena — if you make it to Siena, check out Key Largo and go upstairs to enjoy this fantastic view! … [Read more…]