Mood Boosters

You know, I’ve read a lot of dystopian/post apocalyptic fiction over the years. One of the things that used to sort of bug me about it is that the authors would always skip way ahead in time. We’d jump in with characters who were living, say, 80 or 120 years in the future, and there … [Read more…]


Recently, we went down to NYC for a quick overnight trip. First, we were picking up M. You’ve already heard that M’s Gap Year Phase 1 was working for the census. Originally, her Gap Year Phase 2 plan was to spend the harvest season volunteering at an organic farm as a WWOOFER. That seemed like … [Read more…]

Happy Birthday to Me!

I am actually writing this on my Birthday Eve. Which is a term that we use at our house. We also use “Birthday Eve Eve” or “Birthday Week.” Usually when the Birthday Person is pointing out how the rest of the family can contribute to the multi-day Festival Of The Birthday by offering up favors … [Read more…]

Power Outage

Yesterday, Cute W drove a couple of hours away for a work thing. When he called to check in, he reported that a powerful storm had knocked out their power. Not too long after, the storm blew through our neighborhood and took the power and several trees with it. It happened super-fast. There was suddenly … [Read more…]

A Project

J is settling into school, which continues to be, if not great, at least better than expected. M has moved into Gap Year Phase 2, which you’ll hear about later. Cute W had a big ol’ virtual conference for work that went unexpectedly well. I’ve been busy with KidsOutAndAbout as well as helping with our … [Read more…]

Living in the Daily Disaster

Recently I was organizing my pantry, and among other things, that meant that I emptied out the last remnants from one of my “disaster preparedness” supply bins. I had actually started stocking up on groceries in February as the virus loomed. Eventually we realized that we’d still be getting to the grocery, and we’ve chipped … [Read more…]

COVID Silver Linings

Oh, hey, I actually sang “COVID Silver Linings” on a work Zoom, and my publisher talked about the silver linings in this week’s newsletter, but also you should know that there ARE some events happening these days, adapted for COVID. So you can click over to the newsletter to see them (or sign up for … [Read more…]

Cat Castle

Recently Cute W replaced one of our garage doors, and he suggested that the massive cardboard box it came in (and a few extra boxes) could be excellent for building a Cat Castle. At our house, the motto is “Anything for the kitties,” so the girls set to work. The castle–or “Cats-le”–was still under construction … [Read more…]

Gap Year Phase 1

It’s been a bit of a tough week. If life had happened as we planned, we would have dropped M off at college last Sunday. Instead, she’s still here and there are daily posts on Facebook of moms reporting about college drop off accompanied by photos of smiling teenagers posing in their newly-decorated dorm rooms. … [Read more…]

A Few Doses of Nature

Over the weekend we took a long drive north to visit Woodford State Park in Vermont as a halfway point to meet up with some of my family who lives still further up north. I don’t love the drive to Vermont–the twists and turns make me carsick–but it’s a pretty drive, at least, and it’s … [Read more…]