Christmas 2020

No surprise, it was a quiet Christmas. I’ve literally never spent a Christmas with fewer people in my life. We knew it was going to be different, so we decided to distract ourselves with a ski outing. We skied at Belleayre Mountain for Christmas Eve. Skiing these days is a bit of an extra hassle … [Read more…]

Storied Coffee and b.inspired

I mentioned taking a tour of some local businesses in my Ho, Ho, Ho post, but shortly after that one, J and I made our first visit to 1671 Union Street, new home of both Storied Coffee and b.inspired, a home decor/lifestyle shop, which are sharing the space. We were super-excited to hear about them … [Read more…]

PSA: Vitamin D

Are you taking vitamin D supplements at your house? You probably should be! At our house, we’ve got multivitamins and vitamin D supplements, plus, with COVID, some Airborne in the kitchen cabinet. But I wouldn’t say we were particularly vigilant about actually taking them every day. When the girls were little, I’d make their breakfast … [Read more…]

Hunkered Down for the Holidays

J’s school is online only again all week after COVID spread from people’s Thanksgivings. We are all thinking that they’d do well to just keep everyone learning online through the holidays since folks can’t seem to manage to stay home. Of course we’re hoping for a snow day tomorrow. With snow in the forecast, the … [Read more…]


Early on in the pandemic, the Wall Street Journal had a piece about pets debating the lockdown in which the dog viewpoint was that humans should stay at home as long as possible while cats urged humans to leave the house already and go back to work. I grew up with dogs and we now … [Read more…]

Ho, ho, ho!

This holiday shopping is requiring more shipping than ever, and it’s making me a little bit crazy. First, I mentioned that I bought ceramic bowls for my family for Thanksgiving. Well, a couple of those deliveries went smoothly, but then others arrived with no note, and one sister was lucky enough to receive a broken … [Read more…]

Buying Happiness & Other Coping Mechanisms

When I was feeling particularly high-stress just after the election, I went into a bit of an Advent calendar frenzy. I had been thinking, vaguely, that an Advent calendar would be a nice teensy surprise in these days that often run together, and then I found out that Aldi, which is known for their Advent … [Read more…]

Gap Year Phase 3

I’ve told you about M’s Gap Year Phase 1, where she worked for the census, and Phase 2, an attempt at farm work followed by a trip to NYC. And now–for as long as it lasts–it’s Phase 3: working at Breckenridge resort in Colorado. So… this whole COVID-with-a-graduate thing has been… a journey. M’s college, … [Read more…]

Meanwhile, in the Kitchen

The last time I started writing a post, it was all about election anxiety including possibly too much information about how this anxiety was manifesting as multiple physical symptoms and, well, I just decided to set it aside. And now, after a deep breath, here’s some kitchen stuff. First, I need to thank my sister … [Read more…]

Scary Season

Happy November! I meant to do an update before Halloween, but things got away from me. We generally have TONS of kids on our street for Halloween, and we didn’t know how this year would go. But we wanted to be prepared and COVID-responsible. So we repurposed the Cat Castle ramp (which the kitties never … [Read more…]