
From Thursday, February 11th: What really surprised me about grief is how literally clumsy and muddle-headed it’s made me feel, that the physical symptoms are so acute. I’d had a headache that had defied ibuprofen and hydration and fresh air for several days running when I finally said to Cute W, “I think that this … [Read more…]

In Which I Try to Meditate

One of the items on my holiday wish list was Beachbody on Demand. There are things I don’t like about Beachbody (for example, the name, and also it’s got nutrition/gear upsells and a weird pyramid-scheme-like coaching program). But there’s also a ton that I do like about it, including a huge variety of workouts of … [Read more…]


So, yeah, y’all: M got COVID. This was not unexpected. Yes, she masks up everywhere and doesn’t go to parties or even gatherings, but she also rides a bus to a job where she spends a lot of time politely reminding people that they need to wear masks. So. . . we could see this … [Read more…]


Wow, we’ve been spending. . . so very much time at home. Really. So much. But we are doing our best to appreciate the hygge aspect of all of this hanging-out-at-home stuff. One part of our embrace-life-at-home initiative is that we bought new sofas! This was a hugely big deal for us. Cute W and … [Read more…]

New Hardware Store in Town

There’s been quite a bit of buzz in our town about the opening of a new hardware store, Hatchet Hardware. It’s been maybe a year or two since the hardware store on Union Street shut down, so we’re happy to have something new close-by. Cute W is pretty dang handy and DIYish, but there is … [Read more…]


I’ve always had plants around, but I wouldn’t exactly call myself a green thumb. I’ve managed to kill many, many plants. I have killed cacti, a bonsai, an orchid, and even lucky bamboo. The plants that have managed to survive and even thrive around our house have done so because they are content with benign … [Read more…]

Wake Up and Smell the Almond Lotion

One thing I like to do when I randomly suspect that I may have COVID is reach over and take a big whiff of lotion. This one‘s a big favorite, smelling like almond oil. It also comes in a teensy little container that is perfect for your purse and also perfect for obsessively slathering on … [Read more…]

Holding Pattern

There’s not much news to report these days, is there? We had a quiet New Year’s Eve at home, with movies and a jigsaw puzzle. I insisted on a ritualistic burning of some 2020 items, but my family’s lack of enthusiasm and tepid flames made it really quite unsatisfying for me. And since then we’ve … [Read more…]