Sex Ed

This is a recycled and re-recycled post from long, long ago. I remembered it because I recently had to complete some mandatory sexual harassment training for work, even though of course I work from home, usually alone in my house, so I think my coworkers are pretty safe. Although now that I think of it, … [Read more…]

Sickness and Possible Mistakes

I am finally back to (mostly) normal after a full week sick with the worst cold ever. And YES, I got tested for Covid and it was negative. In fact, two weeks ago Cute W was at a professional conference in which (of course) someone ended up testing positive after they all got home, so … [Read more…]


Blogging was simpler when the kids were super-little. These days, there are so many things going on that I know I shouldn’t write about for the general public, and then I’ll start idly telling some charming little anecdotes and suddenly I’ll realize: “hmm, the girls probably don’t want me to write about any of that, … [Read more…]

U-Pick Flowers at Lansing’s Farm Market

Recently I saw a Facebook ad that just screamed out for J: a U-Pick Flowers event at nearby Lansing’s Farm Market (they’re on Lisha Kill Road in Colonie). Sure enough, she loved the idea. She and a friend decided to go together. For $25, you can walk around the farm’s rows of flowers and fill … [Read more…]

We’re Down One Daughter

Cute W and I delivered the package to Iowa last week. It is a very long drive, about 16 or 17 hours without stops or traffic, so we stayed in a hotel each way. On the way out, Cute W was super-excited to pick up a bunch of donuts from Do-Rite Donuts, which we visited … [Read more…]

The School Year Looms

Yep, I get it. It’s been well over a month since I’ve written here. This summer has felt pretty exhausting, really. It’s been busy, with every weekend jam-packed, it’s been a little anxious as each daughter has tried to make plans through uncertainty, and it’s been pretty melancholy as we prepared for what I jokingly … [Read more…]

Peach Festival

Whoop, whoop! We’re having a peach festival! Actually, this festival is just at our house. That’s because I recently acquired this 25 lb. box of peaches. I got them from The Peach Truck. They are delicious. I saw an ad for The Peach Truck a while back, and, as you’ll recall, my family is crazy … [Read more…]

Random Updates

The school year is over! Really, it was not a moment too soon. We’ve been ready to be done with this one for a while now. J is enjoying her first break in a while as well as some creative pursuits. M is starting her job as a camp counselor and the Schenectady JCC. If … [Read more…]

Health and Beauty Aids

Over the course of the pandemic, I’ve doubled down on the “Self Care” with things like meditation and working out. But along the way, I’ve also permitted myself random indulgences of a more superficial nature. First, new tweezers. This is mostly because my damn kids would always steal my tweezers, and then I realized it … [Read more…]

Girls’ Trip to Savannah

In early spring, I planned a trip for M, J, and me to go to Savannah in large part because we expected M to spend her summer working as a camp counselor, and I wanted to grab the chance for her to visit my mom between her various gigs. It turns out that she’s now … [Read more…]