Ah, vacation!

We’re having such a lovely time that I might skip out on posting tomorrow.  No matter what I’ll have the weekend post for you, though.  Wait, what day is it?  I’m losing track. Here’s the gorgeous red moon we saw from our deck last night: One of the kids’ favorite activities is searching for crabs.  … [Read more…]


We spent much of the day putting our garden in, and it’s our wedding anniversary, so I’ve got to get ready for a date! Which means I’m slacking on a post for you.  Maybe take a hike or go to a playground?  The state parks are back open–yay.   Plus, Shrek’s playing at, umm, about … [Read more…]

Host an Exchange Student?

Ever thought about hosting an exchange student?  They’re looking for folks to host Spanish teenagers for about a month this summer. Great opportunity to make friends with someone who can then host you in a fabulous city with an amazing art museum. In other news, I’ve moved from ranting yesterday to becoming a little overwrought … [Read more…]

Tulips Preview

We went to Washington Park for a picnic dinner tonight.  I had this grand scheme that W would take a lovely tulip photo that could be a new header.  Unfortunately, it was gorgeous out there today. . . did you notice?  So there were all of these random members of the general public who were … [Read more…]

New Header!

Remember that I said that I was trying to do technological stuff yesterday?  Well, I’ve been working on getting a non-generic photo on the blog.  The top heading actually shuffles between photos, but thus far I’d only managed to get the cute-but-generic mom and daughters in a lovely-but-generic setting. Thanks to C, who took lovely … [Read more…]


So, I was so busy typing this that M finished gymnastics and they both went downstairs and were all ready to go by the time I caught up with them.  If I’d left my keys loose they probably would have tried to drive home without me!  Here’s the weekend. . . All Weekend: The New … [Read more…]

Start of the Weekend

Okay, it’s been a busy day, so I’m a little behind schedule and the weekend post is in process, but here’s what I’ve got for Friday so far to get you started. Friday, April 16th It’s Art Night Schenectady from 5-9 pm, including free admission to Schenectady Museum from 5-7 pm. Albany Poets kick off … [Read more…]

Whooop, Whoop, Breaking News!

They’re giving tours of the NEW Schenectady YMCA at Center City on Thursday January 14th at 12pm and 5:30pm.  The main entrance will be off of the Franklin Street parking area, so that’s where you’re supposed to go.