
When my husband goes out of town, I miss him most in the morning.  He is a morning person, as is M.  Not me.  Last night, when M went to bed, I persuaded her to set the alarm for 6:15 am instead of 6 am, which she prefers.  She is a morning freak of nature–a 7-year-old … [Read more…]

Morning Paper

I have the great good fortune of serenity time courtesy of my neighbors who took my two children over to play right after church.  I love neighbors.  I am blessed with excellent neighbors. So, I sat down to lunch and the Gazette.   First, if you’ve ever wondered about the photo on the top of this … [Read more…]

Happy Anniversary To Me!

Can you believe that I’ve been blogging a whole entire month? I was thinking that it had been a while, so I went and checked my very first post and it was from December 14th!  It’s funny, because when I did it, I thought that I was going to share with a few friends who … [Read more…]

New to Me

Perhaps you all think that I’ve been Slacky-McSlackster because it has been the longest stretch ever that I’ve gone without a post.  Au contraire!  I am systematically going through all of those links I put together to try to get on everyone’s email lists and RSS feeds to serve you better!  And it all takes … [Read more…]

Ice, ice, baby

We have groovy modern windows in our otherwise decrepit old house, and one of the perks is that I can open them from the top.  It’s perfect for harvesting icicles.  We lay out a towel and I give each girl the longest icicle I can reach, then go downstairs.  When they yell for another one … [Read more…]

New Year’s Eve

It ain’t my favorite holiday.  I’ve had a dull time, and a decent time, and a couple of horrifyingly bad times.  I’ve gone out dancing with the girls, where we suffered from the high expectations of New Year’s Eve:  each venue seemed either not good enough or too expensive, so we’d wander to the next … [Read more…]

Link-a-palooza, baby!

So far I’ve gathered up more than 70 links to share with you!  My list  includes places that appear to be really unbelievably fun, and I can’t believe I’d never heard of them.  It also includes obvious ones, sure, but conveniently located in one place for you to bookmark and use forever and ever–oh, happy … [Read more…]


My big girl questioned me pretty hard on the whole Santa issue a while back, when she was only 3 or 4. I mean, come on, shouldn’t they remain naïve at least through kindergarten? Anyway, she was persistent, looking for inaccuracies and loopholes and. . . I’m just not so good at lying. Finally, I … [Read more…]