Glamorous Jewelry

This whole no-pool thing has seriously got me down. I mean, if it were rainy, I could feel okay about indoor activities, but it’s so gorgeous that we all feel compelled to be outside, but without a stream or a sprinkler or a pool, it’s a little depressing. Today the ice cream truck came by, … [Read more…]

M’s Foot

Happy 4th of July! Yes, I’ll be telling you about the week ahead. But I figured that I should get this vacation story out of the way for those who have expressed concern. Before our Lake Placid vacation together, I was chatting on the phone with my sister. “I bought all the kids water shoes … [Read more…]

Bumper Stickers!

So, I got this email from Megan Edgeller, who works at Build A, [I removed the links b/c they were having mysterious Search Engine Issues, but you could hunt them down, I’ll bet].which makes (wait for it) signs, but also banners and magnets and custom bumper stickers. She offered to make me something, and … [Read more…]

Rainy Days & Mondays

I am so done with this weather. First of all, am I the only one whose entire house is overtaken by the smell of soggy shoes and socks? Everywhere I turn I find something crumpled and cultivating mildew. I have never been a kicky-spring-rain-boot kind of mother. I’m just cheap and not enough of a … [Read more…]

Uh-oh: Glass of Wine

Cute W knows it’s always a bad sign when he arrives home to see me drinking a glass of wine while preparing dinner. We’ve become lightweights, so a glass of wine with dinner is uncommon. If I’m already drinking before he’s home, it’s generally because I’m feeling sorry for myself. Such was the case tonight. … [Read more…]

Mamas, Missiles, Milk

We’re headed to Vermont for the weekend to see family and hopefully ski. I am not ready at all. Cute W, however, has purchased a car-top storage thingy for the occasion. This is excellent, because we are a van-free family, so until this purchase we’ve been shoving skis into our small-ish wagon. Frankly, it’s uncomfortable … [Read more…]

Orchids Aren’t Easy

The other day a friend came over for some chai and she chuckled at my pathetic orchid plant. My always-way-more-thoughtful-than-me sister* had brought the orchid along on my last visit, and it was quite beautiful. Was I intimidated, though? Yes. The orchid marketers tried to overcome my trepidation with a ginormous tag (still hanging) that … [Read more…]

Top o’ the Mornin’, etc.

As I was washing dinner dishes, M (who, after wavering, is not a believer at all anymore) said to me, “I hope the–ahem!–leprechauns come to our house tonight and make some sort of mischief like turning our toilet water green.” I sighed over the pan I was scrubbing. “I just don’t see that happening, M. … [Read more…]

A Stern Lecture, Clearly Overdue

As parents, we try to be encouraging. We look for the best, and we try to accentuate the positive. Through our loving eyes, we might see things differently from, well, reality, and it can take time before we even realize that we’ve been wearing rose-colored glasses. Too late, we understand that our indulgent attitude has … [Read more…]

Crafty Girl Party Report

As you may remember, I recently hosted what I call the annual Crafty Girls party. I started doing this party a few years ago because I liked the idea of getting the girls excited for holiday stuff beyond the presents on Christmas morning and because I like slightly-too-ambitious craft projects. We do it after school, … [Read more…]