Stages of A Kid’s Birthday Party

I know: I owe you a week post. I’ll try my best to get it out tonight, but it might be delayed because I’m recovering from J’s party. I’ll also post some of our party craftiness. But for now, I was thinking today that all of our birthday party have similar stages. I’m wondering if … [Read more…]

Goodbye Play Kitchen

My kids are old. I just said goodnight and goodbye to my 6-year-old J, because she’ll be 7 in the morning. If it were numbers alone, I think that I could handle it, but after I tucked her in, I left her in bed reading Ten Timid Ghosts to herself, by herself. Which is wonderful! … [Read more…]

Spilling Over

I’ve been wanting to tell you all something, but I’ve been too scared. Which is silly, I know, but bear with me: I fear that you will help me, and at this point, guidance is frightening. Yes, I know that we all need guidance sometimes. And while I have my strengths–I’m diligent about finishing leftovers, … [Read more…]

J’s Birthday Looming

J’s 7th birthday is on Saturday. That means a treat to bring into school on Friday, celebrating at home on Saturday, and a kid party on Sunday. As my dad would say, a pagan festival. Really, all of October is sort of looming. After the party there’s an out-of-town wedding and a big family vacation, … [Read more…]

So Glad it’s Friday

It’s been a week of petty failures for me. Cute W was gone all week (back now, thank you-thank you-thank you), and every time I thought I had running the household well in hand, I realized that I didn’t. On Wednesday, we had J’s piano practice at Mary‘s, homework for both girls, and J’s gymnastics, … [Read more…]

Other People’s Houses are Cooler

We hosted play dates today. I know it’s silly, but play dates cause me some anxiety. Part of my problem is that we just haven’t done too many. In first and second grade, M usually didn’t particularly want to invite anyone over, and when J invites a friend, it’s almost always her BFF, who’s practically … [Read more…]

Hanging around

How’s everybody adjusting to the new routine? And why, oh why, does it always turn warm and beautiful just after all the schools open and all the pools close? Yesterday we biked over to Central Park and playing in the hiking trails. The mosquitoes were fierce early, so we didn’t last long. Here’s M scaring … [Read more…]

Regression and Comfort

Little J is regressing a bit at night. Lately she’s been trying to climb into bed with us, so we’ve re-instituted the princess pull-out sofa bed right next to ours. I’m sort of hoping that just knowing that it’s there is comfort enough for her. She’s also been begging and pleading with me to breastfeed … [Read more…]