This Weekend

We’re very excited at our house, because we’re leaving for Jiminy Peak on Sunday. We went on the same trip last year, too.  Which somehow feels like a million years ago, not just because it was warm and rainy for that trip, but because  I’d just recently started the blog. I created the Capital District … [Read more…]

This Week

Wow, super-miserable weather day today, wasn’t it? And it’s supposed to get super-cold. As if all the holiday errands aren’t enough, my kindergartener J is “Star of the Week” this week, which means we have that we have a different little activity to prepare each day. This is supposed to be entirely fun, but we’re … [Read more…]

From the Email In-Box. . .

Okay, I’m catching up a bit, and the holiday panic is subsiding.  I’ve also been rummaging through my email, and I thought that I’d share some miscellaneous news items. Emack & Bolio’s in Albany wants to make sure that you all know that they do birthday parties. Candyland Activity & Enrichment Center in Schenectady is … [Read more…]

Theater this Weekend

I felt like I needed to update the Theater stuff because I keep hearing about more school plays.  There are a ton this weekend.  So, I’ll let you know about the other weekend events tomorrow, but it was pretty much unmanageable to try to get it all in one ginormous post. I’d share some clever … [Read more…]

Random Stuff to Share

Afrim’s is running a Spring Break Action Camp (multiple sports played for ages 3 to 11–click link for times & prices) and a Technical Training Camp (soccer skills for the 8 and up crowd–9:15 am-12:15 pm at $30/day or $125/week). – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – … [Read more…]

Last Week of March, Already!

Another week, another bunch of things to do.  Remember, if none of this appeals to you, that you should check out the regularly scheduled events from the What About TODAY? page.  I have to tell you, sometimes this blog makes me feel a little bit guilty.  There were so many events over the weekend, and … [Read more…]

More than 30 Different Things to Do This Weekend

Will the weekend be beautiful, or will the cold and gloomy weather move in early?  The suspense is killing me, I tell you!  But either way, there are so many great things to do this weekend.  I mean, it’s ridiculous.  You almost want to tell these organizers to talk to each other a bit.  I … [Read more…]