Holiday Freakout

The dust has settled from the weekend’s family party, and now I’m chugging into full holiday freakout mode.  It doesn’t help that someone on Facebook reported that they’d completed all of their shopping and had strung up lights al-freakin’-ready.   I mean, that’s the kind of holiday smugness you just need to keep to yourself. On … [Read more…]

Holiday Deliciousness: The Cheeseball

We’re having relatives over for a birthday celebration, and J, who was confused about exactly what we’re celebrating, spent quite a bit of time making a lovely turkey garland for the occasion.  The prospect of getting together has put me into the holiday spirit early, so I thought that I’d share my first holiday recipe. … [Read more…]

Holiday Cooking

Thanks to all of you who kindly commented or emailed. . . I am doing better, thank you.  Not quite normal, but better.  And after a particularly wretched stomach bug, the bright side is hopping on the scale when it’s over–woo, hoo!  Sure, I am dehydrated and haven’t consumed a vegetable for 48 hours, but … [Read more…]

Thankful Tree

I mentioned the other day that J was gathering up Halloween decorations, and that’s partly because she was excited to start our Thankful Tree.  We got the idea from Family Fun, and it’s a simple, cheap craft that’s become an annual tradition. Basically, you take a tree branch (ours has been re-used a couple of … [Read more…]

Halloween Food Smackdown

While tucking M into bed tonight, I mentioned that the Halloween extravaganza will continue tomorrow, and she actually groaned!  This whole Sunday thing isn’t working out for us.  It’s too many days–Friday school festivities, Saturday parties, and then the actual holiday.  When I was growing up and there would be multiple celebrations for the same … [Read more…]

Memorial Day Weekend

Sure, the conventional choice for a Memorial Day Weekend post might be an American flag, but instead I took a picture of what’s in front of me:  Isis the cat.  Lookin’ for some love while her human just wants to  finish the blog post.  It’s a little irritating, but not as irritating as sneaking rodents … [Read more…]

Memorial Day

Phew!  Hot enough for ya?  We’re officially beginning the pool opening countdown.  If anybody’s got recommendations for their favorite water spots–parks or pools or streams, anywhere where the kids can get wet–I’d love to hear about them. Especially places that happen to be available at this very moment. Meanwhile, back to business. So, looking around … [Read more…]