Holiday Hassles

Would you believe that  in the time it took my two daughters to draw pictures of a dragon in their art class, I managed to stock up on pomegranates at the grocery store and drop $200 at Barnes & Noble on holiday gifts and paraphernalia? Impressive, no? You know, I’m making a bit of a … [Read more…]

Holiday Lights

Over the weekend, I plugged in our tree lights and only half of them worked. Cute W bought new ones and arrived home with lights that he hoped would “twinkle” gently. Alas, they blinked in a possibly-seizure-inducing manner. They were returned, and then he came home with lights that turned out to have white cords … [Read more…]

Homemade Wreaths

I had several moms from my moms’ group over to make homemade wreaths tonight. If you’ve never made your own wreath, you should give it a try. It’s not difficult, and it’s a very satisfying craft. The first scarf that you ever knit probably won’t look too terrific, but the very first wreath you ever … [Read more…]

Holiday Craftiness & The Tree

We got our tree this morning. We cut our own at Ellms’ Christmas Trees. Yes, they’re pricey, but we like all the bells and whistles (reindeer, Santa, trolley, cocoa). I was a little concerned because last year the fields were looking a bit sparse. But we found a tree almost immediately. I stayed to “save” … [Read more…]

Kicking into Serious Holiday Mode

Since dinner, I’ve made two cheeseballs and a batch of Magic Cookie Bars, we all watched  The Muppet Christmas Carol, and as soon as this is done I’m going to pre-cut felt pieces for making felt ornaments at a big ol’ holiday craft-a-thon I’m helping with tomorrow. Part of the feverish preparations are because we’re … [Read more…]

Happy Thanksgiving!

At Thanksgiving we conducted an experiment.  Apparently Great Grandma B used to present the turkey on a platter with flaming sugar cubes.  She’d put cubes on slices of orange, then soak the cubes with lemon extract and light it On Fire! J, who is a 6-year-old Martha Stewart, envisioned a turkey surrounded by vegetables. She’d … [Read more…]

Thankful for Bedtime

Look at this amazingly crafty display someone put up in my kids’ school.  Seriously adorable, right?  I have a thing for felt, I tell ya. Oh!  And pilgrims, too! We had a conference with J’s kindergarten teacher today.  Also met with a mortgage guy about refinancing.  Plus two separate non-illness-related vomiting  episodes.  Went shopping for … [Read more…]