J’s Recital

Phew!  Would you believe that we didn’t get home from J’s dance recital–she takes dance with Ginny Martin— until 10:30 pm? It was at The Egg downtown, and we were so starving that we stopped at Emack & Bolio‘s before heading home. The recital was great, J enjoyed herself immensely, and I’m too tired to … [Read more…]

Lots to Do

So, there’s plenty to do, plus some more nice weather later this week.  Currently I’m staying cool by sitting around with wet hair and eating yummy frozen mangoes.  I’m ready for the thunder storm already!  Oh–if you refresh a few times you might see a new picture of the girls and me at the Schenectady’s … [Read more…]

Clothesline Weather!

I love hanging clothes on the clothesline. First,  saving energy makes me feel virtuous & warm & fuzzy & At One With the Earth.  Not that I’m going to go all radical homemaker on you.  Although, come to think of it, I can also churn butter. Another thing I like about using the clothesline is … [Read more…]

Now, That’s Entertainment!

So,  I wrote this post that I liked, but then I decided that it wouldn’t work for today.  And now, look at me.  It’s late and I’m sleepy and I’m starting from scratch!  Yuck. Luckily, I’ve been working on a little project, which is to include various entertainers to the Big Ol’ List of Links.  … [Read more…]

New York State Museum

This morning, I went to the New York State Museum all by myself.  I know, I know:  kids love it.  A wonderful family destination.  But last time I went, it was with the kids and the husband and my parents, and there just wasn’t time to look at everything.  Specifically, the 1609 exhibition, in honor … [Read more…]

A Confession . . . and Other Produce News

Please don’t judge me.  I almost didn’t find the courage to share this.  I am about to inflict pesticide-ridden strawberries on a whole group of innocent, cherubic, nursery-school children. I am the helper at our co-op nursery school on Wednesday, and J requested strawberries.  Repeatedly.  Today I went grocery shopping, and there weren’t any organic … [Read more…]

Wanna Run?

Was your reaction, from what? Fleet Feet on Wolf Road in Albany is starting their spring No Boundaries training program.  You pay $75 to get someone to kick your non-running butt into training so that you can run a 5K on Father’s Day. I have to tell you, I’m sort of intrigued by this one … [Read more…]

Oui, j’aime crêpes!

Voici, c’est la raison que j’aime travailler sur ce blog.  Et aussi, la raison que j’aime le Google translate.  Okay, I’m getting silly now, but between my lapsed college French and Google translate, I can sound convincing as. . . someone who used to vaguely know some French.   As I was saying, this is why … [Read more…]