Halloween Food Smackdown

While tucking M into bed tonight, I mentioned that the Halloween extravaganza will continue tomorrow, and she actually groaned!  This whole Sunday thing isn’t working out for us.  It’s too many days–Friday school festivities, Saturday parties, and then the actual holiday.  When I was growing up and there would be multiple celebrations for the same … [Read more…]

More Appliciousness

Would you believe that we’re still working off the last of the apples from our apple-picking outing?  I know! One of my very favorite salads is a mesclun-apple-cheddar cheese-walnut salad.  Yum.  I throw on a very basic little vinaigrette of apple cider vinegar, olive oil, water, salt & pepper, and a tiny smidgen of honey.  … [Read more…]

Upper Union Street

Wow!  I took a walking tour of the neighborhood around Upper Union Street, Schenectady, this afternoon.  There are a ton of new businesses that have opened there recently, so I thought that I’d check them out and report. Okay, I don’t know if you’ve already heard, but my entire moms’ group has been talking about … [Read more…]

Miscellaneous Tuesday

In a startling coincidence, just about every little girl in J’s class was sporting a lovely and complicated updo today.  Including J, of course.  In fact, she looked so cute that I took a picture to share before sending them off to school.  Alas, when I took a second look at the camera I realized … [Read more…]


We finally made it to the apple orchards, and just in the nick of time, it seems.  If you’ve gone already, you know that this has been a really bad year for apples, so pickings are slim.  If you were haven’t gotten around to it yet, I’d go as soon as you possibly can, and … [Read more…]

Community Supported Bakers

Britin & Nick from All Good Bakers sent me an email asking if I’d be willing to spread the word about their new Community Supported Bakery.   They also offered me free samples!  Yes, please! So, of course I wanted to like them–what a good idea.  You already know that I belong to a CSA, and … [Read more…]

Pie Eating Contest

Okay, I went to what I affectionately call my Snobby Book Club tonight and drank several glasses of wine, so I’m going to have to “post light” tonight. Over the weekend our church had a Fall Festival that included a kids’  Pie Eating Contest.  I was skeptical, but they enjoyed themselves and it was easy … [Read more…]


Alright, I don’t know where the heck I’ve been all summer, but today I finally discovered that there’s a new indoor playground in East Greenbush called MiMi’s Kids Club.  Luckily for everyone involved, I figured it out mere hours before her gala make-your-own-sundaes Family Event tonight from 3-7 pm.   Who doesn’t enjoy some free ice … [Read more…]

Bettie’s Cakes

Guess where we went yesterday? The  Bettie’s Cakes double decker bus!  They were parked by the Schenectady Public Library. We were very excited, and rather overwhelmed by our choices.  We ended up getting (clockwise from top) Red Velvet, S’more, and Raspberry Lemonade.  The Red Velvet’s a menu regular, and the other two were flavors of … [Read more…]