Sizzlin’. Or Not.

The girls had their first day of camp today, and I dropped them off with ice-packed water bottles.  It reminded me of my one attempt at Girl Scout Day Camp a good thirty years ago, back when they used to make us all take salt tablets.  It was hellishly hot, there was limited shade, the … [Read more…]

Post o’ Triumph

For those of you who’ve been wondering how our weekend was, I’ll update you with my first-ever blog post chock full of triumph. Triumph #1: The ice cream cake turned out pretty well. It was touch and go for a bit when I lost track of time and whipped the cream too much.  This, coupled … [Read more…]

Local Family-Friendly Restaurants (Part 2, aka The Rant)

Go to some decent non-chain restaurants, people! Okay, that’s pretty much the rant.  I’m exhausted.  And, honestly, I think my readers aren’t the right audience for this particular rant.  Because, sophisticated folks that you are, you get on the computer and find interesting things to do.  So you’re probably motivated enough to come up with … [Read more…]

Local Family-Friendly Restaurants (Part 1)

I’ve had a couple of people request restaurant suggestions.  Then  a couple of blogs have been talking restaurants  lately.  At AOA, they’re offering up Albany Jane’s Must-Try Cheap Lunches.  Yum.  I’m considering it a to-do list.  And then at the TU’s Parent-to-Parent they’re talking about Worst Kids-in-Restaurant Behavior.  This sort of post just always depresses … [Read more…]

The Birthday Approaches

I’m getting a little bit stressed out.  We’ve got M’s birthday coming up on Friday, which means making a treat for school on Thursday and hosting a slew of kids at our (not terribly exciting) house on Saturday.  Frankly, the weather’s got me scared.  Also, we tend to be overly ambitious with the birthday cakes:  … [Read more…]

More Miscellaneous Fun

I missed an event–Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake has an early Flag Day Parade on Thursday the 10th (that’s tomorrow or today if you’re a regular reader) at 7 pm.  Thanks to Malta Mama–check her out for more info. Back when I did the Summer Camp post, I said that I wasn’t linking to the various municipalities. … [Read more…]

In the Kitchen. . .

J had a friend over for a babysitting playdate, so besides a grocery store run (okay, two:  I forgot stuff), we mostly puttered around the house today.  Some weeding was accomplished, although you couldn’t tell by, you know, looking at my garden. For much of the time, though, I was in the kitchen. The girls … [Read more…]

Berry Picking

Wow, can you believe that it’s berry-picking season already?  We love to go berry picking.  My personal favorite is raspberries, which come later, but we kick off the season with strawberries.  This season, due to the crazy weather, there are strawberries at slightly different times than the usual.  Berry picking isn’t like going to the … [Read more…]