Girls’ Circles

This year I’ve started a new activity that I haven’t mentioned on the blog until now. I am a muse. “Why, I knew that already!” you are no doubt saying, “because you always inspire wisdom within me, and you are in many other ways quite goddess-like!’ Well, thank you. But that’s not exactly what I … [Read more…]

Taylor Mali

I’m super-excited because once again Taylor Mali will be appearing at our church, the First Unitarian Society of Schenectady, on Thursday, November 8th at 8 pm. I’ll be reminding you about this later with the listings, but I wanted to give him an early plug, because I went when he performed here last year, and it … [Read more…]

Snip-its Winner + Go Red

Hooray for Bekki, who won the Snip-its Giveaway! If you’re sad that you weren’t a winner this time, you might want to “like” the Snip-its Facebook page so that you can hear about other discounts or special offers. Or, if you read this week’s e-newsletter, you’d know that there’s another giveaway over there! Speaking … [Read more…]