A New Front Patio

We have long pined for a front porch. We just love a walkable, friendly neighborhood, and the best way to take advantage of it is a wonderful front porch, and we don’t have it and frankly, obtaining one is not in the budget. Instead, this was the front of our house: Some previous owner really, … [Read more…]

More Catching Up: Prom and After-Prom

Back when I had that long-overdue update, I mentioned a whole slew of events that had happened, with vague suggestions that I might get around to adding details later. So here are some more details on prom weekend, because it was a little nutty. First, I ended up being on the PTO After-Prom Party planning … [Read more…]

Fancy Dress

In the spring, J attended two different proms. At our school, they do a “walk in” where those who are inclined can sit in the auditorium and watch all of the prom attendees who wish to do so walk on stage, get their names announced, pose for photos, and then walk up the aisle and … [Read more…]

Going Native. Or Trying To.

There’s quite a bit of environmental anxiety at our house. To the point where my daughters have basically told me that it was irresponsible of me to have them at all because they are doomed as we careen toward a climate apocalypse. Frankly, I don’t find that helpful. We’ve tried to tell them that we … [Read more…]


Remember how I ranted that I was pining for a Mediterranean-style Build-Your-Own restaurant close to me, and then The Universe said Make It So? Well, we have been anxiously awaiting the opening of Simone’s Kitchen but I was not on-the-ball enough to realize that it opened. Officially, yesterday. So I did not know what the … [Read more…]

Long-Overdue Update

Someone brought up Capital District Fun to me recently, and as I lamented how much I’d neglected it, it occurred to me that someone might think I died of Covid, since my last post was about being positive. I’m sorry! Good news: Cute W and I have recovered completely. Also, both of the girls managed … [Read more…]

Feeling Positive. Well, yes and no.

In the morning day before yesterday I still wasn’t feeling too great and I was still walking around the house in a mask, which may or may not have struck one or more members of my family as a little over-dramatic. In fact, it’s possible that one daughter may have implied that I was being … [Read more…]

Things are Not Ideal

I had been looking forward to Saturday night because M was coming home from college — yay! But then on Saturday morning, Cute W tested positive for Covid. He’d been exposed through work — all of our household near misses have been because of his work — and had tested negative enough times that we … [Read more…]

Our Yummiest Vegetable Sides. Plus One Fruit.

Ah, vegetables. We have a few beloved salad recipes that are included my big recipe round-up, and our salsa recipe is a favorite. Cute W has been obsessed with making pico de gallo ever since we adopted this vegetarian meal. And I have some super-easy vegetable sides that I’ll whip up quickly to make sure … [Read more…]

DIY Dermatology

Not too terribly long ago, someone in our family felt the need for a bit of dermatological assistance. There was some “maskcne” and overall, we had to concede that things were a little rough. We made an appointment, got some advice, and now they are back to delightfully dewy and glowing splendor. Recently, I was … [Read more…]