We are super-excited that we’ll be spending a week at a lake near Lake Placid again this summer. We’re leaving shortly after school ends for the girls, and this time my sister and her family are joining us. Hooray!
We’ll be getting away from it all. And when I say “all,” I mean, in part, the blog. We have no tv or internet on this vacation. Actually, I like it that way. Last year my friend and I were a bit concerned that our children would be difficult to entertain, but they switched right into vacation mode, playing games, mucking about in the shallow water, and reading books on the hammock. It was excellent for everyone.
I’ll try to do some auto-posting, but this is also an opportunity for you, gentle reader, to contribute. If you have a favorite Capital District destination, or just something fun to do, you can email me about submitting a special Guest Post. A couple of readers have been kind enough to do one in the past (thanks Carolyn and Amy), and I’d welcome contributions if you can get them to me by Tuesday, June 21st, at noon. Email me at capitaldistrictfun [at] yahoo [dot] com.
And in case you’re new to the blog and missed them, here, here, and here are some posts from last year’s trip to Lake Placid.
You know I love, you… let me think of something to write up…