Generally, I provide a weekend post on Thursday night. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it this week. If not, I’ll hopefully get something up by Friday. Meanwhile. . .
Apparently our reader Amy has caught the blogging bug. When she launches her own I’ll be sure to link you, but for now, here’s her second post of the week:
As a reader of Capital District Fun, Katie has inspired me to get out of the house and continually reminds me of how much our area has to offer, to take advantage of all the great resources available to us living in the area, often right in our own backyard and usually not more than a stone’s throw away!
Two of our favorite outings:
Indian Ladder Farms
No matter the season, there’s always a reason to head to Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont. Today was just the day for a trip to the country for a visit with the animals, cider donuts, and berry picking. We picked a quart of strawberries although the pickings were slim as were the pickings for raspberries and blueberries. And no trip for our family would be complete with the requisite stop in the gift shop to add to our ever-expanding collection of Schleich animal figures!
Five Rivers
We often forget about this natural treasure tucked away in Delmar, but the nice weather forced us outdoors again this summer and found us heading to Fiver Rivers Environmental Education Center.  From the nature center to the trails, you can’t go wrong. Something here for everyone and it’s not usually overrun, which makes you feel like you own a little bit of this heaven on earth if only for an afternoon.