
I’m SO HAPPY that we finally have some warm weather! The girls are happy, too. When I got home from an errand I got one of my favorite kinds of notes:

The other day it was so nice in the morning that the girls were out on their RipStiks before their 7:05 am pick-up time. They have this whole routine that they like to work on–think couples figure skating, but two girls on Ripstiks. It’s amazing, especially since I have tried many times and still can only go in straight line for fifteen or twenty feet, tops.

Of course the weather has been. . . April-ish. I took a screenshot of this text, too. I particularly like it because you might have been under the impression that it’s impossible to whine via text. But if you have been under that impression, this screenshot shows that you were wrong.

And yes. I am so nice that I did go and pick her up.

If you’re looking for spring activities, you can find them on the Events page, but honestly? People have still been adding events on the calendar, so you’ll definitely find even more if you go there.

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