Things have been a bit hectic lately with quite a bit of travel hither and yon to catch the last games of M’s soccer career. One thing that means is that we’ve been traveling beyond the confines of our reliably blue state, so I’ve been leafletting like a 1940s pilot over Nazi territory. I don’t know if you’ve heard that women have been leaving “just between us women, your vote is private” messages in public restrooms, but I loved the idea and prepared some to bring along with me on a recent trip.

I also passed some along to my friend in Wisconsin, and M took extras to put around Iowa as well.
Well, the other day I was in yet another not-so-blue rest stop bathroom, and I had my “woman to woman” papers in my purse, but when I entered the first stall, look what I found already there!

I took a quick look and found identical Post-It notes in all the stalls I checked. I practically skipped out to report the good news to Cute W.
In other news, I celebrated another birthday with a delightful weekend including a bike ride down to Arthur’s Tavern for breakfast, some reading and napping, and a birthday date that I’ll report on next time. One of my favorite birthday gifts was a couple of extra shelves so that I can put plants in the kitchen.

I am extremely pleased to have still more places to put plants. Listen, y’all, by mid-November there will be no soccer games to attend or election postcarding to do, so it’s entirely possible that new plants will enter the household.
Oh, and speaking of my ever-advancing-age, I’ve been walking with a weighted vest lately! Apparently it’s supposed to somehow help with maintaining bone density, plus it’s just a little amp-up to your typical walk without, you know, running. It really doesn’t feel more difficult, at least for me, and I haven’t been doing it long enough to notice if it’s made any difference from my typical walks, but hey, worth a shot, right?
I love-love-love this season for walks, when I’m finally not super-hot and sweaty and all of the leaves are so lovely. Sometimes I can’t restrain myself from pausing to take pictures, including this spider web and probably the loveliest can of yard waste I’ve encountered in a long while.

Is it weird to randomly photograph someone else’s lawn scraps? Well, yes, I suppose so. But look, there’s even that one yellow blossom that looks like it’s been artfully placed next to the container. If it were a basket instead of a black plastic tub with an unsightly sticker, you could invite a bunch of people over with their watercolors for a still life class!
Nana in Savannah
Remember that remarkable spider web in the backyard of the Flavins in TX? It was on a wooden fence. One evening we watched the spider scurrying around the web capturing insects that would land and then wrap the insects in spider silk. It was amazing.
I actually DO remember that spider web! We also saw a HUGE web and spider on one of our golf cart jaunts around The Landings when the girls were little.