On the morning of the 4th of July, Cute W made his delicious pancakes for a full house: M has arrived home from her semester abroad in Chile, J came home for the weekend from her lab work at Smith, G was celebrating her last full day in the US, and her friend on a Rotary exchange from Italy was visiting. Later, in G’s honor, we checked out the fireworks a short distance from Empire State Plaza.

Since then, we are down to one “kid” in our household, although at 22, M does not quite qualify anymore. She had a great semester and traveled; she particularly loved Peru. And now she’s home for several weeks before heading back to Grinnell for her final year of college. She’s been taking care of a bunch of logistics to try to get herself officially ready to play soccer (she needs to acquire a new functional brace and get physician approval to play) as well as physically ready (physical therapy and a bunch of working out) since her surgery in November. Even with all that preparation, it’s not clear that she’ll actually be able to play soccer: she’s going to have to see how it goes. Meanwhile she’s also volunteering for City Mission of Schenectady and visiting with friends. She Cannot. Wait. to get back to college with all her friends.
J has two more weeks of her lab fellowship at Smith, which she has been loving. Her advisor in the lab is really fantastic and supportive, and she’s learned a lot. She’s hoping to continue to work in the lab during the upcoming semester. And she’s already trying to get herself on a roster of student workers that will allow her to go back early for her second year. In between, we’ll have her with us for several weeks, at least. But, in case it isn’t clear, She Cannot. Wait. to get back to college with all her friends.
And meanwhile, our baby girl, G, has flown the coop! We brought her to the Albany Airport on July 5th, and yes, there was definitely some weeping. She had a stuffed backpack, a carry on roller bag, her massive piece of luggage that she’d come with, plus a ginormous duffel that we pressed on her when it became clear that one big piece of luggage wouldn’t be enough to bring everything (literally gallons of maple syrup! her Harry Styles pillow! her Taylor Swift “Kelce’s best catch” t-shirt!). She is a very tiny person, and knowing that when she finally touched down in São Paulo, she still had a 6-hour bus trip ahead of her with all of that to transport did not feel great. But she sent us a video of her reuniting with her family and all is well. Cute W and I high-fived each other that we had not only shown her a good time, but we’d survived the stay without any major accidents or medical emergencies. So: phew!
And meanwhile, we’re just trying to stay cool. My ankle has recovered enough that I’m finally able to take walks again, so I’ve been doing that in the morning. Cute W, meanwhile, has been running and then spends quite a bit of time inspecting his vegetable garden: as I type, he is preparing his second batch of pickles. And I am appreciating some lovely blooms to keep the pollinators happy.

The wildflower strip in our front yard has already cycled through lupine and coreopsis, and now there are a few different flowers, including coneflowers, daisies, and milkweed.
Oh, and speaking of growing things, ’tis the season for purslane. This little plant is loaded with antioxidants, and you can currently purchase it at farmers’ markets and grocery stores.
But even better, there’s a good chance that you might have it growing along your sidewalk or driveway. Here in the crack between our driveway and our garage, there must be more than $20 worth!

Nana in Savannah
So happy G made it back home safely. The flower photos are so lovely and you sound so at peace with the world. Good for you!!!