Bittersweet School Stuff

In spite of the Facebook love-hate relationship, I sincerely love seeing friends’ first day of school and prom photos. This year, though, the Facebook Memories function felt particularly bittersweet. With the first kid gone from the house entirely and the second kid speeding through a high school career that still hasn’t managed to become normal, … [Read more…]

KidsOutAndAbout Stuff

In honor of some events actually happening these days, I’ve started updating the Events page again. These links will take you to KidsOutAndAbout first, and then there’s generally a link directly to the organization hosting the event so you can get the up-to-date details. Our family had a fun weekend at Greek Peak when I … [Read more…]

Sex Ed

This is a recycled and re-recycled post from long, long ago. I remembered it because I recently had to complete some mandatory sexual harassment training for work, even though of course I work from home, usually alone in my house, so I think my coworkers are pretty safe. Although now that I think of it, … [Read more…]

Sickness and Possible Mistakes

I am finally back to (mostly) normal after a full week sick with the worst cold ever. And YES, I got tested for Covid and it was negative. In fact, two weeks ago Cute W was at a professional conference in which (of course) someone ended up testing positive after they all got home, so … [Read more…]