Recently I saw a Facebook ad that just screamed out for J: a U-Pick Flowers event at nearby Lansing’s Farm Market (they’re on Lisha Kill Road in Colonie). Sure enough, she loved the idea. She and a friend decided to go together.
For $25, you can walk around the farm’s rows of flowers and fill up a mason jar that they provide for you with as many flowers as will fit (they estimated it to be about 20 flowers). They offer up help with arranging your picks as well as light refreshments.
The girls were really looking forward to it, and they absolutely loved it even more than they thought they would. The folks were very friendly (which I expected; we’ve had CSA shares with them in the past) and they had set up a lovely table with cider donuts and drinks right next to the flowers.
Plus, the whole area was picturesque, and the girls had worn cute skirts so that they were picture-ready in the lovely landscape. It turned out to be a huge occasion for J, actually, because after years of lurking on Instagram, she shared her very first post, a few pictures that her friend took of her holding her bouquet between rows of flowers. Someone mentioned how lovely it was and I said, “I want to see!” and officially requested to follow her on Instagram, and after a few moments of awkwardness, she pointed out that she could just hand me her phone to show me the post there. Funny, my Instagram request is still pending. . . .
Anyway, the girls raved about the experience and are excited to sign up for more activities–I think that they mentioned autumn wreath making and a terrarium workshop–but meanwhile, Lansing’s has since announced that they’re doing another U-Pick Flowers event soon. I highly recommend it as a girls’ night out with a nice stop for dinner or drinks before or after.
Here are the girls’ bouquets:
Nana in Savannah
The flowers are gorgeous! I guess fall is around the corner.