Off to Paris!

We had our passports and our goal was to go anywhere in Europe that was a good deal. Actually, my first preference was Spain. The girls are both taking Spanish in school,  and I’m the only person who speaks French, which felt like some pressure, especially since I’ve barely spoken it for 20-something years. We … [Read more…]


I jolt awake to the sound of a daughter’s fierce whisper in the hallway. I wake up this way often. I’m not a morning person, and since I work from home I’ve put myself in last priority for showers, so for years it’s been common for me to be the last person up and out … [Read more…]


I’m SO HAPPY that we finally have some warm weather! The girls are happy, too. When I got home from an errand I got one of my favorite kinds of notes: The other day it was so nice in the morning that the girls were out on their RipStiks before their 7:05 am pick-up time. … [Read more…]

Unremitting Gloom Today

I’m not just talking about the weather. Although the weather is awful. Here was my view out the car windshield a few minutes ago: Oh, my gosh. This just made me realize that the lights were on out in the parking lot. At 2 pm. Blegh. I woke up from some high-anxiety dream. I have … [Read more…]