Homemade Gifts

It was a long day, and they’ve already cancelled school for tomorrow. The truth is, I wasn’t the most loving mama from the start–J was jumping on my bed and M was trying to get me to declare her Right In All Things before I’d even gotten a chance to get to the bathroom this morning. I got a little snappy.

But I’m usually quite loving. Here are two Christmas presents as evidence.

Look at the t-shirt that I had made for Cute W!


It’s in Black Watch colors (that’s M’s soccer club), and it’s a bunch of the stuff that Cute W is always saying when he’s watching M’s games. Nice, right?

Also, high off of J’s recent gymnastics meet triumph, Santa thought we might need to display J’s various gymnastics awards. I called his attention to a gorgeous crafty ribbon-and-trophy display from Driven By Decor and he was inspired, although he’s not quite as talented as that Kris lady. But it’s still pretty cute:


Hmm, now I’m thinking Santa should have gone for more knobs. Well, I think I might know his supplier.


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