Melodies of Christmas, Disney on Ice, Passeggiata, Lumberjack Logjam, and More This Weekend

Is everyone ready for a week off from school? My kids are excited for a holiday party and a general blow-off day at school tomorrow. I’ve done almost all of my shopping and fear that I simply must brave the post office tomorrow because I’ve been out of stamps for days and the outgoing mail is stacking up. I started to try to order the stamps online, and there was $1.25 delivery charge! Um, hello? You come to my house six days a week, people!

This week’s newsletter includes a discount code for reduced admission to see the Harlem Globetrotters in February–hey, that could make a great gift, right?  Deb also suggests celebrating the Winter Solstice with Lightbulb Day.

Multiple Days:

Friday, December 212st:

Saturday, December 22nd:

Sunday, December 23rd:

  • This looks dire, but it’s not. Many of the events that are happening for multiple days are happening on Sunday, too. There’s just not too much that’s Sunday only.



  1. Claire

    Katie, do you know that you can get stamps at the grocery stores? At Hannaford you can get them right at the checkout, and at Price Chopper I think you can get them at Customer Service.

  2. @Claire, that’s one of those things that I “know” but keep forgetting! Thanks–I think I’ll buy them there, which will cut down on one errand today, at least!

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