Labor Day Fairs, Iroquois Indian Festival, Thacher Nature Programs, Sand Sculpture Contest, and More This Weekend

Today we managed to fit in errands, a doctor’s appointment, a trip to the pool, a playground playdate and picnic, the first soccer practice of the season, some work, and Cute W’s second (!) fantasy football draft. There’s that end-of-the-summer urgency at this point. What fell by the wayside? Cleaning the house. Maybe tomorrow. Actually, … [Read more…]

Birthday Party Drama

Birthday parties can be a little crazy. I always find that they’re an interesting sort of portal into understanding a family’s values. For example, there are those virtuous families who request donations for a good cause in place of birthday gifts. I always admire this choice, but you might remember that we’ve struggled with our–ahem!–charitable … [Read more…]

Random Links

That’s right, it’s another edition of random links of things you might find interesting. Thanks once again to Jezebel for providing daily entertainment. They recently pointed out all of the hilarious faux reviews people are writing for the special “lady pens” called BIC For Her pens. An excellent way to procrastinate a few more minutes before … [Read more…]

Did Someone Say Fair?

I can’t believe it’s the end of August. I’m torn between complete denial that summer’s over and jubilation that we’re getting back into a routine. What I really need is a couple of days poolside while the kids are tucked away in school. Dang it, can someone make that happen for me, please? All Week/Multiple … [Read more…]

Child Labor

We have a new addition in our kitchen–it’s this stool. They had one sort of like it at our local Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but it was shorter than this one–too short, really. This one’s 11 inches tall. The girls have been getting more independent in the kitchen (like J making her own cheesy eggs).  … [Read more…]

Museum News!

There are two big pieces of local museum news, both excellent for all of us who like to find fun and cool things to do in the Capital District. First, the New York State Museum will once again be open on Sundays! Yippee! Some of you may recall that the museum was had to close … [Read more…]


I’ve been a blog slacker because I’ve run out of my summer energy. Most of our camps and activities have ended and the pool is less crowded with friends. My kids are hanging around the house more, creating crafty projects and games that leave stuff all over the house, asking to sit on my lap … [Read more…]

This Week

Hey! This is so late because we went to the final performance of Hairspray at Park Playhouse tonight–it was excellent! Here’s what’s happening this week. As always, you can click on the day itself for a more complete listing for that day (this is just a selection), and click on the item for more information. … [Read more…]