Snip-its Winner + Go Red

Hooray for Bekki, who won the Snip-its Giveaway! If you’re sad that you weren’t a winner this time, you might want to “like” the Snip-its Facebook page so that you can hear about other discounts or special offers. Or, if you read this week’s e-newsletter, you’d know that there’s another giveaway over there! Speaking … [Read more…]

And So It Has Come To Pass

Cute W arrived home from work and asked, “What time are you going to your Snobby Book Group?” Uhhh. . . I’d forgotten about it entirely. Nevertheless, I’d read the book (Let the Great World Spin), and there’s always good food (tonight, homemade baklava by a mother of 4 boys under 6, not like you … [Read more…]