Shrek, Snow (or not), Sundaes, Sinopoli, & Stickiness This Weekend in the Capital District

I promise that this is my last alliterative title. I couldn’t help myself.

We went to M’s first school orchestra and chorus concert. For the chorus portion she had a solo, and she did a great job. Poor J, who had seen the program as part of an assembly once already during the school day, tried her best to be patient in the hot, crowded gym. After the concert, roughly a million 4th and 5th graders and their families knocked around expensive, unwieldy musical instruments while praising each other’s performance, gossiping, and shuffling toward the cafeteria, where a spread of cookies and juice awaited everyone.

And that’s when the fire alarm went off. Everyone was ushered outside into the freezing rain, where mothers frantically sought out their children to ensure that coats had been retrieved (and, crucially, put onto bodies) and at least one music stand was abandoned in a pile of slush during the melee. Fire trucks were arriving, and although the word in the hallways was that someone had accidentally leaned against an alarm pull, prospects for getting back inside to the food and warmth were dim.

On the walk home, J cried, because she’d been looking forward to the best part, chatting with her friends and eating cookies after all the sitting still and “listening” was finished. I feared that M would be disappointed, too, but she was fine. “It’s too bad that you had to miss that extra time eating cookies and having people tell you how great you did,” I said to her. “Oh, it’s okay. I got, like, five compliments just while I was walking up the stairs.”

Anyway, here’s the link to the weekly newsletter. And here’s what I’ve found for this weekend. I love additions and corrections in the comments.

All Weekend:

Evening of Friday, January 27th:

Saturday, January 28th:

Sunday, January 29th:

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