So. . . are you ready?

Ugh, my pictures have been rare and poor since my point-and-shoot camera broke. I'm really hoping that Santa comes through with a replacement!
I’m doing pretty well, actually. I’ve done all of my shopping except for my last pre-holiday grocery shopping, which will be tomorrow.
We’re mostly ready except that I have to sew a couple of Ewok cloaks. You heard me. No, I’m not kidding. Remember that I said that J has become interested in Star Wars because of her recent Baby Ewok adoption? Well, Baby Ewok needs a couple of new cloaks, and believe it or not, this is a difficult-to-find item. So I’ve got some lovely patterned felt made out of recycled plastic bottles, and I’m going to have to get crafty. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m trying to work like crazy, crazy, crazy so that I can relax beginning Christmas Eve Eve. Cute W’s taking the day off from work and I have this fantasy that we’ll cuddle up on the couch in front of a fire and watch It’s A Wonderful Life together. I watch it every year and cry like a baby every time. And this makes me sound horrible, but I don’t really like watching movies with my kid. Either I think it’s boring, and I desperately want to get out my little Netbook computer and work on blog stuff but feel like it’s too rude, or it’s a movie that I like, and then I have to stop and answer questions along the way, thus ruining my movie fun. I realize that this makes me a bad, bad person. Also, as long as I’m confessing: it’s just so much more relaxing to eat a meal all by myself with a good book. There. I said it.
But, anyway, I want to check everything off my list so that I can live out this glorious fantasy of sitting around and doing nothing with my husband while my children are in school. If we pull this off without breaking down and doing some last-minute shopping trip or having–I don’t know–a household crisis of some sort, then I’m going to shoot for this to be a new holiday tradition. Meanwhile I’ve completely blown off Christmas cards (hello? I blog practically every day) and the buttermints this year (when both kids ranked them 5th on the Christmas Cookie Favorite list, I lost all motivation).
How’s everyone else doing? Did you blow off any old stressful traditions this year, or are you starting up anything new?
Big Sister
Oh geez. I see M. ranked Magic Cookie Bars as first. Nana Honey asked me if I was making them for us this year and I said I hadn’t yet. She said WE PROBABLY DON’T NEED more sweets. NEED has nothing to do with it, especially if they are someone’s number 1 cookie….should I head out to the grocery store? It’s not too late to bake…!
No, Big Sister. She’s got a full supply of Magic Cookie Bars here. And all 3 of the other “top 4” Christmas cookies. We might even have some left over to bring with us. Well. . . might.