We hosted play dates today. I know it’s silly, but play dates cause me some anxiety. Part of my problem is that we just haven’t done too many. In first and second grade, M usually didn’t particularly want to invite anyone over, and when J invites a friend, it’s almost always her BFF, who’s practically a member of the family. Last year M finally bonded with a little crowd of girls, which is excellent for her, but many of them have been friends for years, and their moms are friends, and I feel like I’m still catching up and trying to keep everyone’s names straight.
Besides, it feels like everyone’s house is cooler than mine. M comes slamming back into the house and announces that she “needs” a trampoline or a Dance Dance Revolution game or something else that we don’t have at our house. Or, hey, here’s another example: remember how not too long ago I was pining over-but-not-buying duct tape? Well a couple of days after that post, M came home from a play date with a groovy duct tape clutch purse:
You know why? Because her friend’s house is cooler than mine.
And, alas, it’s not limited to play dates. This week I went to a friend’s for a visit. In fact, I’m going to quote her: “Nothing fancy–just a snack and a warm beverage and most importantly some time to catch up. . . .” Now, if I said this, I’d have water in the kettle and maybe a bowl of cut-up fruit. And I’d try to find three clean napkins. At my friend’s house it was:
A delicious spinach-and-tomato quiche, berry bread, cinnamon rolls, and a fruit salad all on a nicely-set table, with a choice of coffee or several different herbal teas. Jeepers. It was more beautiful than anything I could pull together that early in the morning, and she’s still got a toddler.
So today, our play date escalated until it was a grand total of 6 girls (including mine), and so I just did it up, baking cookies, making nachos, and I even had a craft under wraps that didn’t have to be pulled out because of the splendid weather.
By the end of it, I was feeling better. Our house isn’t grand, but it’s an easy walk from the school playground, which was fun, and it’s on a road that’s active enough that the girls could hoot at random middle-schoolers (oh, yes they did). So they enjoyed themselves without anything fancier than the tree swing (come to think of it, my underdogs are popular).
I felt good, at least, until later this evening, when M’s friend, L, invited her for a sleepover, and there was discussion of where M should have dinner. I was on the phone, and M walked over to the stove, checked out what I was making, and announced, “Yeah. . . I’d much rather eat at L’s house.” And J followed her and looked at me and said, “If I were invited, I’d rather eat at L’s house, too.”
This is great. So funny! I can relate.
Big Sister
But what was for dinner?
Well, if it’s any consolation…L would say that she would rather live with you guys any day!
Who hosted the fancy spread? And why wasn’t I invited? No worries — you’re fabulous and your kids adore you. The grass allllwwwaaayyysss looks better, especially at this age!
Thanks, everyone. This morning the duct-tape/trampoline hostess told me that her daughter comes home asking for a tree swing.
Big Sister, it was this Thai Beef with Hot Peppers thing, although I’d made a modified milder one for the girls, which went completely uneaten.
HollowSquirrel, it was a very exclusive guest list.
Booo you and your exclusive breakfast club!