Day Trips

Hooray for a break in the weather! This afternoon we took J’s first on-the-road bike ride around the neighborhood. She did great. In fact, the whole time I was wishing that I’d taken a camera with me, because she was so cute. She’s quite the style maven, and this afternoon she was wearing zebra-print flats … [Read more…]

Rain, Rain, Stupid RAIN!

Okay, anyone else feeling bitter about the rain? Of course last week, when my children were gone and I was hunched at the computer and/or doing housework, it was bee-yooo-teee-full. But now, with no camp whatsoever and plenty of time for the pool, it’s rainy and even chilly. I’m not ready. I’m not ready for … [Read more…]

Yummy Crepes

The other night we had one of our favorites, yummy crepes. Cute W uses the recipe (called French Pancakes or Crepes) from JOY OF COOKING, that glorious cookbook that also  explains the difference between various lettuces and teaches you how to skin a squirrel (with pictures)! I mean, how can you beat that? In one … [Read more…]

Getting Ready for Camp

I did a quick stop this morning at Tiny Tots Tea Room, where they were getting ready for a Big Latch-On event. I thought that it would be the perfect place to ask people for additions to my old post on Favorite Breastfeeding Spots in the Capital District. In fact, I was thinking that maybe … [Read more…]

Regression and Comfort

Little J is regressing a bit at night. Lately she’s been trying to climb into bed with us, so we’ve re-instituted the princess pull-out sofa bed right next to ours. I’m sort of hoping that just knowing that it’s there is comfort enough for her. She’s also been begging and pleading with me to breastfeed … [Read more…]

Trying to Keep Up With It All

So, I’ve been adding updates to yesterday’s listings because I keep remembering things that I forgot.  Sorry. So, check again if you’re looking for more fun, and feel free to add comments, because I’m not blowing your favorite activities off, I’m just. . . tired. Also, the TU’s Ballston Spa blog tells us you can … [Read more…]