Back-to-School Fashion

I mentioned that on Thursday we were preparing for clothes shopping. At the time, I’d hoped that we’d spend the morning sorting clothes and the afternoon shopping. Alas, the sorting took longer than expected, and we ended up too exhausted for a big shopping trip. We ended up taking one trip to Justice and JC … [Read more…]

A Fantasy Evening

Last night I said that I’d love to hear about volunteer efforts in the Capital District, and the folks at All Over Albany have some suggestions here. Also, Matt Baumgartner of Friday Puppy/Bombers/Biergarten fame, is asking for donations to help out Jumpin’ Jacks. Oh, and I forgot: I meant to link to DelSo, who just … [Read more…]

Irene Wrap-Up

First, I always feel bad for people who have the same name as a disaster. That’s no fun. So if anyone’s in the mood for shopping for stylish, handmade, mostly-silver jewelry, check out my friend Irene’s Etsy site, Irene C Studio.   So, how’s everybody holding up? Do you have power? Is your house dry? … [Read more…]


Is everybody ready for some hurricane action? At our house, we’re pretty glad that we got that new roof. Beyond that, we haven’t done much in preparation for rain and wind. Cute W always keeps us fully stocked in the flashlight-battery department, because he’s Just. That. Handy. I filled our water pitcher and brought all … [Read more…]

Back-to-School Shopping

The supplies are purchased and ready, and we’re devoting Thursday to clothes. Ugh. Not my favorite. First we spend an inordinate amount of time shopping in the closets for hand-me-downs. For years we were able to coast almost entirely on hand-me-downs and Grandma’s shopping trips. These days the girls are a bit pickier. I feel … [Read more…]

Camping at Glimmerglass

We spent Saturday night camping at Glimmerglass State Park with folks from our church. I had never been to Glimmerglass–or Cooperstown at all, for that matter–so it was a new adventure. I wasn’t actually psyched about it. I’m getting lazier as the summer wears on, and the prospect of packing up the car for a … [Read more…]

Updates on Story Times, Egg Events for Kids, and Our Dinner Conversation

First, three pieces of business: Some of you are fans of my friend Pam’s Friday morning story times at the Mohawk Commons Barnes & Noble.  Pam’s left and, as far as I know, they’re stopping story time there, but beginning in mid-September, Pam will be doing Story Time at The Open Door Bookstore on Fridays … [Read more…]

A New Perspective

J borrowed my camera to take some pictures the other day. I loved looking at them–well, most of them. The picture of me was not the most flattering, but it was so interesting to see her perspective. I look tall, towering even. One of my favorite things about parenthood is when you get new insight … [Read more…]

We’re Okay!

It’s Wednesday and I hadn’t posted yet, so I thought that you might be concerned that I’m drowning under the weight of my CSA produce. Indeed, we’ve had our hugest haul yet, but I’m feeling like it’s under control. The freezer is my friend. I’ve washed a bunch of greens. I have two recipes in … [Read more…]