First Weekend in June

I’m finding it hard to believe that I’m on the same page of the calendar of the last day of school. I’m not entirely prepared, really. We’ve got an ice cream social at school, plus a big rehearsal for J’s dance recital. Here’s what I’ve found for this weekend:

All Weekend:

Friday, June 3rd:

Saturday, June 4th:

  • Celebrate National Trails Day by helping to maintain trails at one of several New York State Parks.
  • Or celebrate at Frear Park in Troy, where they’ll have guided hikes hourly from 9 am to 2 pm. Plus free BBQ at noon, all from Frear Park Conservancy.
  • From 8-10 am, you can watch naturalists do Bird Banding at the Albany Pine Bush. Pre-register online; it’s $3/person, $5/family.
  • At 9:30 am, it’s Matinee My Way at Regal Cinemas at Colonie Center, designed for kids who are autistic or otherwise sensitive to possible sensory overload. They’re showing Kung Fu Panda 2.  $5/Adult, $3/child.
  • From 10 am to 2 pm, it’s a Free Family Fishing Day at Central Park in Schenectady.
  • From 10 am to 3 pm, they’re celebrating the first Lupine Festival at Wilton Wildlife Preserve. Nature walks, live animals, crafts, and food. It’s rain or shine.
  • As part of the Freihofer’s Run for Women, there are multiple Kids Fun Runs between 11 am and 2 pm. Registration is required but you can do it online. There’s also entertainment.
  • Malta Animal Hospital has an Open House from 11 am to 2 pm. I heard about this from Malta Mama, who says there will be tours, a bouncy-bounce, food, and more.
  • It’s the annual Kids Arts Fest from noon to 4 pm in downtown Schenectady. The Puppet People, the Zucchini Brothers, and plenty of crafts.
  • At 1 pm, kids 5 and up can Home in on the Hudson at the Children’s Museum of Science and Technology. Pre-registration required; $2/non-member.
  • Go on a Wild Blue Lupine Walk at 1 pm at Albany Pine Bush. Pre-register online; it’s $3/person, $5/family.
  • Learn about Invasive Species at 2 pm at Five Rivers.
  • At 3 pm at the Schaghticoke Fairgrounds, there’s a Western Festival and Championship Rodeo. $12/adult, $7/kids 6-17, kids 5 and under free.

Sunday, June 5th:

  • At 8:30 am, there’s a Fishing Clinic followed by a Fishing Contest at Six Mile Waterworks in Albany. It’s free, but it’s a benefit for Make-a-Wish, so bring some cash.
  • Go on a Nature Scavenger Hunt at 10:30 at Moreau Lake.
  • Wunsapana Farm in Guilderland is having an Open Barn from 1-5 pm. Music, demonstrations, and llamas. A reader just wrote to say that she enjoyed visiting the farm with her child’s preschool class. 
  • Junior Birders can ask Who’s that in My Nest Box? at Thacher Nature Center at 1 pm. Pre-registration is required.
  • At 1 pm, there’s a free guided Clifton Park Trails Bike Ride. It’s 3 hours, and no pre-registration is required.


  1. Jen

    On Sunday there is a Family Fun Day at Curry Freeze (ice cream spot) in Rotterdam to benefit the LaPrade family. (Devon LaPrade, a students from Mohonasen’s 8th grade at Draper Middle School was diagnosed with a type of brain cancer. I don’t know too much more, but there are signs up a a facebook page on him.

  2. er**********@ma*.com" class="url fn n" rel="ugc external nofollow">Erin

    The Lansingburgh library is kicking off their summer reading program with Maurice Sendak stories on Saturday. Here’s the info from the Troy library website:

    Saturday, June 4 from 11:00 – 1:00 pm
    Lansingburgh Branch

    Join us as we get ready to kick off the start of the Summer Reading Program: “One World, Many Stories“!

    Games, Crafts, Raffle Prizes and More! Plus, meet and greet with Maurice Sendak’s, The Wild Thing!

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