
All of us absolutely deserved a day like today after the cold yuck we’ve been enduring. At our house, we had a great day of organizing and spring cleaning–the girls particularly enjoyed scrubbing down our playhouse. There was some fertilizing and flower appreciation. And Cute W. worked on making our contribution to tonight’s silent auction, … [Read more…]

Some Random Items

I woke up this morning to find both girls in front of the tv watching the royal wedding. As Will & Kate walked out, J sighed dramatically and gasped, “Oh, Mommy, isn’t it romantical?” Meanwhile Cute W lamented that he had perhaps unnecessarily raised their wedding expectations by turning on the news in the first … [Read more…]

Playground Update

Did anyone else see the double rainbow tonight? Gorgeous! Holy cow, people I just spent waaaaay too much time updating the playground list. If I had the technical know-how, I’m sure that I could make it more efficient, but as it is I have a convoluted system that includes steps with Google Documents, then Excel, … [Read more…]

Spring Trip to New York City

We drove down to New York on Thursday morning, checked into our hotel, and decided to go for a little walkabout. As I’ve mentioned, we’ve taken the girls into the city before, and they (mostly) didn’t have strong opinions about what to do. so we thought that we’d poke around some places that were new … [Read more…]

Recovering from the Holiday

I dropped by my neighbor Mary‘s today to introduce her to the splendor that is Taylor Ham, and she informed me that Easter Monday used to always be a holiday. Sounds good to me. We absolutely could have used a recovery day after several days o’ fun. We went down to NYC on Thursday and … [Read more…]

Last Week in April

Happy Easter! We had several days of fun, and we haven’t quite recovered yet. Here’s what I’ve found for this week: All Week: The Gillette Carnival is at the Wilton Mall in Saratoga Springs beginning on Tuesday and continuing through May 1st. Visit the Baby Animals at Hancock Shaker Village every day from 10 am … [Read more…]

Ciccotti Center, Easter Crafts, Circus Giveaway

Perhaps you’d think that after a health department shutdown at the Ciccotti Center in Colonie, I wouldn’t want to bring my precious darlings back. Ummmm. . . nope. I definitely follow the “let’s strengthen their immune systems” school of parenting. We had an excellent time. The kids played for 3 1/2 hours, and the older … [Read more…]

Vacation Day 2

After spending yesterday doing nothing too interesting, the girls and I were up for a treat. Our friend had scored some free passes to Ciccotti Center in Colonie, so that sounded perfect. I dumped the ice skates out of our big canvas bag and filled it with towels and goggles instead. Hooray! Except that some … [Read more…]

Squandering a Day of Vacation

My car was making a noise. Actually, I didn’t really notice it: Cute W did. This is one of the quirks in our relationship. I joke that I grew up in a household where, if something didn’t work exactly right, we just lived with it. And then, if we couldn’t live with it, eventually we’d … [Read more…]

Circus Giveaway–Again!

I have to say, that giveaway was much more fun for me than I expected. I know, in theory, that people are out there reading, but actually hearing from people feels so much more personal. Many comments were funny and creative. . . it made me glad that I’d said I’d choose randomly, because if … [Read more…]