I’ve mentioned sun catchers in the blog before, but we recently made up a new batch, so I thought that I’d share some photos. It’s fun and easy even for a toddler, and my 6- and 8-year-olds were completely engrossed in their sun catcher designs. Of course, adding water means that you can’t place things with absolute precision, because they’ll float around a bit. You just put some stuff in a container, like flexible take-out containers or silicone cookie molds work. Add some water. In order to hang it, make a loop of string or ribbon and make sure that most of it is submerged. Then put it outside to freeze.
Another good part? You can do this without shopping for anything special. In our case that meant using some random sequins that were left over from an earlier project, or you can use little pieces from nature.
I let the girls add drops of food coloring, too.
Of course, once it gets warmer, the sun catchers will melt, and we’ll have a litter of glitter, but that’s okay. A nice idea is to put different kinds of bird seed in your sun catcher, and then the birds will have a treat on a warm day.
I think this is a great idea to try with my Pre-k class. No shortage of ice in VT.
Easy and so much fun! Kids (11, 9, 15) all enjoyed making them. Made when we went skiing so we used “found art” to decorate our ornaments. Younger kids could easily do this too.
Glad they enjoyed it, David!