I don’t know if any of you caught the New York Times article the other day about getting kids to play independently. One of the things that they mentioned was that kids need some space of their own away from all those fussy grown-ups so that they can think creatively and be independent and all.
I spent quite a while today moving the last of the Christmas stuff into storage, which meant that I was passing through our tremendously cluttered basement playroom. Observe, if you will:
The schoolroom is actually quite elaborate, with a private staff bathroom with soaking tub (not pictured) because those students can really stress a teacher out. The Barbie teachers are also great literacy advocates, as you can see:
However, the Barbies are also fierce advocates for animals. Here’s a portion of the veterinary hospital. The human section is relegated to the lower level, where Kelly dolls line a waiting room. The Barbies are simply too busy with their furry and flippered patients.

Note the blue blocks which give the illusion of water and the only Barbie appropriately dressed for the task at hand
Of course, all of this work is exhausting, but luckily they have a fabulous mansion complex where they can kick back and have a miniature plastic cocktail in the hot tub at the end of a grueling day.

The flowered-scarf awning allows the Barbies to have the soaring cathedral ceilings that they truly deserve
Now some people who see these pictures (or worse: attempt to actually navigate the labyrinthine basement in an effort to, say, check the water heater) might see this playroom as evidence of slovenly housekeeping or woefully overindulged children. Both reactions are, let’s face it, somewhat accurate. But after the article on play, I’m more inclined to come to a different conclusion:
My children are brilliant & creative, and I am a fabulous mother!
Agreed!! You are so lucky to have the space to allow that! Right now, I’m the mean mom who has to have that cleaned up because it would have been created right in the middle of my living room.
I can not WAIT to have a house of my own again – and THIS time, a playroom will be on my list of must haves.
Erin Simmons
My sister & I had an equally elaborate Barbie village. Ours was centered around our Breyer horses because we used to take lessons & show. Also, as we got slightly older, the family dynamics of our Barbies got quite complicated, which I blame on my grandmother’s love of soap operas.
Erin, yeah, my Barbies took a turn for the trashy.
Michelle, you’re such a meanie.