Okay, first of all? I hate the early-darkness thing. So depressing. And then, snow? I wasn’t ready. In fact, I think that nature should conform to an order of operations in which all of the leaves fall off the trees, and then the snow is permitted to fall. Because now I have a disgusting, soggy mess out there.
I’m sick. I was up much of last night huddled by the toilet with renewed appreciation for M’s stoicism in the face of car rides. Then I spent most of today in bed, in spite of a hugely long list of things to do this week. However, about an hour ago I successfully consumed half a sleeve’s worth of Saltines & a juicebox. Still queasy, but no excessive repercussions thus far (knock on wood), so perhaps I’m on the road to recovery. Just in time, too. Cute W arrived home from work and put himself to bed immediately. Apparently my turn at being the Most Pathetic in the Family has ended.
I was huddled in bed until moments before the girls were to arrive home from school. Then I shuffled downstairs in my sweaty PJs and uncombed hair just in time to greet J, who joyfully burst in the door, thrilled with the snow. Immediately she began flinging off clothes and hopping her way into the bathroom, all while shouting requests for a six-year-old’s perfect afternoon:  1) warmer clothes, 2) time outside, 3) a cup of cocoa, and 4) a fire in the fireplace. Meanwhile, M sauntered in and revealed that her school had begun testing that would be used to decide whether students should be placed in a special gifted program next year. So far, she informed me, the test was pretty easy, and she would probably be chosen for the gifted program, even though she didn’t want to do it. This was followed by a sigh which was, I think, meant to convey, “unbelievable brilliance is a hard cross to bear”. Knowing M, this either means: 1) she thought that the test was easy, she’s clearly gifted, and she doesn’t care; or 2) she thought that the test was tough, she yearns to be labeled gifted, and she’s putting herself on record as indifferent in order to save face in the future. Seriously, I’m not sure which it is.
Anyway, between the unexpected invasion of piles of wet snow pants, mittens, boots, and hats in the house and my tragic attempts to nourish the children while even the tiniest food smell makes my stomach flop over, I’m exhausted. So, alas, this is all you’re getting for today’s post.
jo anne
Can I bring anything over or go to the store for you? ginger ale? pepto? let me know…I am sorry your wonderful weekend ended like this. UGH.
Your dedication knows no bounds! I can’t believe you are able to be so witty and fun to read when feeling so lousy. We need to get together for coffee once you are feeling better.
Hi Capital District Fun! Haven’t seen you in forever because life is so busy since Kindergarten started. (Is there a rule they have to fill up every single day on the calendar with a school event?). Anyway so sorry to come and visit when you’re sick. I had the thing too – hopefully yours will be gone by tomorrow. Still love your blog! 🙂
Thanks for checking in, ladies! Doing better, thanks.