Okay, I’ve updated the Big Ol’ List a bit, and then I ran into technical difficulties with my post, because cute W is not here to help me with those pictures.
So, instead, I’m sharing a few ridiculous pictures of me from a pumpkin carving session a few years back–they were actually taken in just this order, and I can remember pretty much exactly what I was thinking. . . .

Hooray! We're Carving Pumpkins! It's not my favorite thing, but I'm going to try to have a good attitude, because I'm all about the fun!

Eewwwww. . . this is so gross. There is so much glop. I don't love carving pumpkins. All of this gloppity glop and we've barely even started.
I love that you let your kids drink beer.
Well, in fairness, it was hard cider. And they just get the dregs! 😉