While I was reviewing the regularly scheduled events, I noticed that Explore in Glens Falls has a special program in September and October. Adults enter free if they bring in 4 non-perishable food items in September or 4 sealed toilet items in a ziploc bag in October.  The usual adult admission is $3.95, so it’s not a ton of savings, but you’ll have the Joy of Giving included, free. Admission is $9.95 for kids and infants under 1 & seniors are free.
Meanwhile, Kristi over at the TU’s On the Edge Blog passed on a reminder that on Thursday the 30th, Coldstone Creamery will be handing out free ice cream from 5-8 pm. Yeah, okay, it will be a mob scene, I’m sure. And yet. . . tasty. Just don’t actually come with no money, because then you’ll feel extraordinarily guilty when everyone around you is giving it up to the Make a Wish Foundation.  It’s also one specific flavor for free, so who are we kidding? If you take the kids, you’ll end up paying for them if they’re not into, say, baked apples. Maybe you should just ditch the family and run over with a friend real quick?