School’s great, thank you. They’re both settling in, making new friends, liking the teacher.
Most of our activities haven’t started, but at least we’ve figured out what we’re doing. The girls both enjoyed their soccer games: I was afraid that they wouldn’t like them as much as practices, but I think that they’re even more enthusiastic now. So, you know: yay. I ended up going with straight nice-old-lady piano lessons for J instead of going to a music center: we can do it while M’s in school, and it’s right in our neighborhood. Plus, for both of them, art and dance.
J is taking the bus to kindergarten in the morning, then walking home with her big sister in the afternoons. The bus ride was crazy, though: basically, they’d pick up J and our neighbor first, then drive all through the neighborhood, and finally make it home: a 55-minute ride to our school a block and a half away. But J wanted to try the bus, and it was a chance to see one or two friends that she wouldn’t see otherwise, so we gave it a try.
The bus driver realized how ridiculous it was, so she switched up the route so that J will be on the bus ten minutes, tops. And when leaned down through the door to tell me, I responded, “Great! Much better! Absolutely!” And I do feel that way. But, an itty-bitty part of me mourned that extra 45 minutes of Getting Stuff Done Time.