Housekeeping and Hair

I’ve got two rather dull housekeeping/blog-keeping notes.

First, I haven’t been using my categories much.  I’ve found that when I do, say, a weekly listing and mark off the many fabulous items that such a listing it includes, it’s way too much (Art! Nature! Books! Museums! Food!), and then it’s impossible to actually use the categories to find something again.  So my plan is to start a new category that’s just time-specific listings, and to use the other categories only when I have more substantial posts on a specific topic, like a particular place or recipes or whatever.  Or something like that.  I haven’t quite figured it out.  But I’m just letting you know.

Second, now that everything’s starting to wind down for the summer, did you do any special programs, day camps, or overnight camps that you thought were terrific or really  bad? If so, would you tell me about it, so I can share the information with folks next year?  You can either comment or send me an email.  Oh, I do thank you.

And, filed under miscellaneous (except that I’m not filing anything under Categories right now, so please stop pressuring me, okay?), I got my hair cut last week.  My daughters don’t like it.  I picked them up at the airport and the first thing M said was, “Your hair is so short!  You have to let it grow long again!”  J was a bit more sensitive and subtle.  She waited until dinner to broach the topic, “Umm, Mommy, I think that your hair is a little bit nice, but also I think that it would look a lot better if it were a little bit longer. . . .”  At which point W declared the subject closed.

Well, you know, I think it’s cute.  Except that–and how pathetic is this?–I thought that I’d prove that it was cute with a picture, but I can’t.  Just now I asked W to take a picture for me to put into this post.  First one:  oh, no!  that isn’t good hair at all!  W suggested a profile, and I turned, and the result was. . . also not terribly good looking.  Yikes.  W thought the other side was better, and picture number 3 actually did have pretty cute hair.  But then my nose and chin were witch-like pointy.   Oh, it was depressing.   So I’m not sharing a picture, after all.


  1. Cheri

    I can vouch for the hair! It looks great!

    Also, I must admit that after participating in the KidzArt camp for preschoolers this summer, I wouldn’t sign up for it again. I felt like our particular instructor wasn’t suited for preschool kids (actually, some kids were going into 1st grade but they were still five so…). She made them sit around and wait so that she could begin the lesson from the beginning for everyone. One day, it was 15 minutes of waiting around doing nothing but sitting there in front of a blank sheet of paper with a marker just taunting them. I also felt like they tried to do too many projects, perhaps to impress the parents, that none of them belonged to my daughter. My daughter flat out told us that while she did create the “robot” from the recycled items that were available, she didn’t put it together OR decorate it…the teacher did because she used a hot glue gun. I thought there would be a bit more focus on developmentally appropriate child directed art than teacher imposed “pretty” art. At one point, the teacher showed them a model of what they would be drawing on a tote bag and said, “don’t worry, yours will look just like mine”. I’m not a big fan of that…why should everyone’s art project look the same? So, needless to say, we were disappointed.

  2. My 5 yr old did a week of the Heldeberg Workshop and she loved it. It was a great introduction to real camp. 5 days, 9-12. The leader was great with the kids. I can give you more details if you want.

  3. Rebecca

    we love the jmu4kids camp – run by Jim Urschel and a phenomenal staff – located at Holy Names and/or Doane Stuart schools . There are so many camps to choose from – performing arts, circus, sports, adventure, extreme and day camp. There is something for everyone and your kids can try out all of them if they like. Plus they get to swim every afternoon – with lessons available if needed. The price is great and the peace of mind to have my daughter at such a great place while I go to work (after 8 years as a stay at home mom) is great!!

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