This Weekend–now with updates!

I’m crabby.  The girls are harmoniously playing a game in which their doll named Kelly (acted out by M, and not to be confused with Barbie’s younger sister) is whining, complaining, and abusing the adorable kitten played by J.  Even though it’s pretend, the whining & complaining is so realistic that it is actually just … [Read more…]

More Miscellaneous Fun

I missed an event–Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake has an early Flag Day Parade on Thursday the 10th (that’s tomorrow or today if you’re a regular reader) at 7 pm.  Thanks to Malta Mama–check her out for more info. Back when I did the Summer Camp post, I said that I wasn’t linking to the various municipalities. … [Read more…]

J’s Recital

Phew!  Would you believe that we didn’t get home from J’s dance recital–she takes dance with Ginny Martin— until 10:30 pm? It was at The Egg downtown, and we were so starving that we stopped at Emack & Bolio‘s before heading home. The recital was great, J enjoyed herself immensely, and I’m too tired to … [Read more…]

In the Kitchen. . .

J had a friend over for a babysitting playdate, so besides a grocery store run (okay, two:  I forgot stuff), we mostly puttered around the house today.  Some weeding was accomplished, although you couldn’t tell by, you know, looking at my garden. For much of the time, though, I was in the kitchen. The girls … [Read more…]

The Week

Phew!  Everyone exhausted from the weekend?  Weather’s looking great for much of this week–still sunny, not so hot.  Yay.  Here are some things going on: Monday, June 7th: The local Sling Babies group is meeting at North Bethlehem Playground at 10:30 am. From 6:30-8 pm, the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library will have a training session for … [Read more…]

Our Saturday

W took J to her last dance class–incidentally, she’s had very few bug bites lately.   Meanwhile M and I rode bikes for a while.  Later, we girls went to the Niskayuna Art Fair because one of our dog friends was in the dog show.   As soon as they stepped out, I knew that Daisy was … [Read more…]

Free Summer Events Preview #3

I’m too sleepy tonight to come up with any clever chatter, but luckily I’ve been keeping a running list of free summer events.  If you didn’t get enough with previews 1 & 2, here are some more free family friendly programs and events. Did you know that you can take free tennis lessons in different … [Read more…]

Berry Picking

Wow, can you believe that it’s berry-picking season already?  We love to go berry picking.  My personal favorite is raspberries, which come later, but we kick off the season with strawberries.  This season, due to the crazy weather, there are strawberries at slightly different times than the usual.  Berry picking isn’t like going to the … [Read more…]

Moreau Lake & Juicy Artichokes

We spent Memorial Day at Moreau Lake State Park.  Loved it. Do you ever go on an outing for the first time and you find yourself saying, “Oh, now I realize why everyone was telling me that I had to go”?   That was what it was like.  First, it seemed easier to get there, for … [Read more…]